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(Bold is speaking in Japanese)

I grab my things from under the coach compartment, lugging them along Jia by my side. Jia helped me with some of my stuff, she took the heavier load, even when I insisted I would be okay. Heeseung jogs up to us, "let me carry that for you" he reaches for my luggage. "No it's okay , it's not he-"

"Mine is really heavy.." Jia sighs.

What did she say?

"Um, do you want me to carry-"

Jia passes the bags to Heeseung thanking him and twirling her hair. Heeseung looks at me weirdly. I shrug.

I look up and see Riki running towards me, arms open, I instinctively drop my things as he jumps into my arms. He pulls me into a tight hug, cupping the back of my head.

"I missed you so much Chae"

"I was only gone a weekend!"

"It felt like forever" Riki says squeezing me tighter.

"Oi, little lad save some for me"

Riki breaks the hug bowing. "Heeseung hyung!"

Heeseung lifts up one arm, the other is holding mine and his bags. Riki side hugs him, bowing as he notices Jia.

"So did you burn down your friends house while I was home?"

Riki just glares at me, I nudge him in the stomach.

Heeseung puts the rest of the luggage into the house. "Thanks Hee, you didn't have too!"

"It's alright my lov-"

We both look at eachother then at Riki. He raises an eyebrow, "love?" he questions flickering between our eyes.

"Are you guys.. like.. dating?"

"N-" I begin until Heeseung takes my hand, toying with my fingers.

"Yes, we're dating" he then carful,y lifts my chin pecking my lips.

"Ew" Riki says covering his eyes, "you guys, I need to go wash my eyes out with bleach!"

We laugh watching him run up the stairs on all fours.

I let go of his hand and sit down on the sofa in the lounge. Heeseung follows closely behind. "Don't you want to go home?". He shakes his head, "If I could I would spend every second of the rest of my life with you". I roll my eyes, "don't be silly". He sighs laying his head on my legs. I play with his hair.


As she is playing with my hair, I admire her visual from a different angle.

How is she so perfect?

Suddenly she looks down, I quickly close my eyes. I open them and she's about 2 centimetres from my face. My eyes widen, she chuckles and lifts her head. I pull her face back down, this time her face isn't mischievous but flustered. Oh how he tables turn, I inch closer to her, teasing her. As her face grows redder and redder, the more tempting it is to collide. I slip my hand around the hand of her neck, suddenly Riki trudges in. I jump off Chae and sit on the opposite side of the sofa smiling and acting like nothing happened.

"Why are you so red Chae?"

I look back at her, she's so cute.


"I uh.. it's hot in here!"

Riki furrows his eyebrows, "it's winter Chae"?

"Right um-"

"I was sedu-"

I throw a pillow at him, shutting him up.

"I'm hot, end of"

Riki squints his eyes and then leaves the room.

Heeseung then sits back next to me, throwing his arm around my shoulders. "You can't say that Hee, he's young"

"So it's true I was sedu-"

"Shut up baby!"

He smirks, "you aren't denying it!"

I pass the saucepan full of ramen to Riki, who takes a big load of noodles, filling his plate and gulping them down. "Slow down!", he nods and slurps less consuming smaller amounts.

"Let me get some more bowls for us"

I soon find out that all the bowls are either dirty or in the dishwasher. "It's fine I won't have any" I say pushing he saucepan towards Heeseung.



Heeseung takes some noodles and brings the chopsticks by my mouth, his hand hovering underneath the noodles to make sure nothing drips. I decline but he insists. I eat the noodles to make him happy. "I will get you another pair of chopsticks" before I could get up he was already using that same pair slurping up the ramen.

"You guys are weird" Riki says still staring down at his phone. We shake our head at him tutting at his antisocial behaviour.


"Can I stay the night?"

Both Chae and Riki stop what they were doing and stare at me blankly.


"Sure" Riki says. I see Chae kick him under the table.

"But you're sleeping on the coach" Riki says sternly.

I nod in agreement.


Why is this sofa so incredibly uncomfortable?

I get off the sofa, creeping out he lounge and tiptoeing past Riki's bed, I make it to Chae's room. I lightly knock on the door, waiting patiently for a response. I hear a groan and then patters. The door creeks open, Chae is rubbing her eyes yawning. She looks up at me, "I can't sleep.." I say tiredly. She sighs and opens the door letting me in, moving to the left. I smile and get into her double bed. I get comfortable and hold one side of the duvet open for Chae. She walks towards me shaking her head, trying to hide the smile. As she gets in I wrap both the duvet and my arm around her.


I can feel his breath fan on my neck. I regret letting him in, now I can't sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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