8 counts

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Chloe's POV

" Listen up girls today you will perform 8 counts of your best style of dance , and yes we do perform hip hop in England " the queen rolled her eyes I'm guessing the only reason they do hip hop is because of Josh.

Maddie leaned over to me " our you feeling better " she whispered. I didn't know if she really meant it or not but from the look in her eyes she means it.

Her eyes are all puffy and blood shot I don't know what came over me but I reached over and hugged her. She stepped back surprised by my outburst but hugged back.

" Mackenzie your first " the queen proclaimed.

Mackenzie stepped on stage and did her best acrobatic tricks within 8 counts.

" Nia " she stepped on stage and a fire lit up in her she danced her way around the stage doing her very best hip hop moves.

" Chloe " I walked up and gracefully did the best tilt in my life and finished with bunch of ballet.

" Asia " she stomped up with attitude in her eyes somewhere in the middle though she stumbled and fell.

I heard a few giggles so I stood up and clapped and I was soon joined by Maddie. Ok it's official something strange is going on just yesterday Maddie would have not done that. I brushed it off it was probably nothing.

" Maddie " she did 8 counts of heart stopping lyrical moves and let me say she was gorgeous.

Just as I turned my head I saw someone I didn't want to see , Josh.

I wished my head back around and avoided him the best I could but honestly I didn't want to ignore I loved him even if didn't feel the same way back.

" Kendall " she appeared on stage in a snap of the fingers and was jazzing her way around that stage.

" Kamryn " nothing to extraordinary just plain contemporary steps that she always does.

We were dismissed and I hustled out keeping my head held down and my arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

Sadly he found me and grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him our faces centimeters apart.

" What " I hitched.

" I'm sorry " he pleaded hurt in his eyes.

" Why Josh why can't you do a relation ship ".

" I kissed Maddie " he blurted.

" What ".

" I kissed her that night after the ball the fat before you asked me out and that's why turned you down I wouldn't be able to live with myself ".

" And how about now " I flirted getting closer. " Now I'm willing to be your boyfriend starting tonight ".

" Why not know " I questioned?

" I have to get revenge on my step brother " he evilly grinned.

" How you gonna do that " I asked casually.

" Lets say I'm going to get one more kiss before I'm tied down to the woman of my dreams".

I know I should be mad but I trust him I know I was just crying over him but now I know how he feels and he loves me as much as I love him. I think.

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