My life is pretty good

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Mackenzie's POV

Well miss Abby isn't happy that Maddie didn't win the contest so it feels like she's just pressuring me even more than usual so I fail.

All I hear all day long is.........

" Mackenzie be like Maddie "

"Mackenzie straighten that leg "

" Mackenzie why are you not as good as Maddie ".

It's all I hear why can't I be appreciated. " Kenzie it's time to go " Maddie smiled. I grinned it was finally time for the christening.

We arrived and there stood a depressed looking Kendall with a fired up Zach in a conversation. "

He started pleaded I could barely pick out bits and pieces of their conversation " i'll do anything " and " I really do love you ".

I stare awkwardly at Maddie I know she heard there conversation to " just ignore it Kenzie we are here for the queen not drama " Maddie stated.

" Okaaaaayyyy"

Kendall sang god bless and at the after party put on a concert and I know that she got a lot of publicity.

I'm really sad though I'm leaving England for a week and then coming back for the play.

So my life is going pretty well.

Kendall POV

Omg I just got asked to be on the Ellen show I'm over the moon right plus Zach is coming with me to America to Finish high school.

So my life is pretty good.

Maddie's POV

I finally understand what it's like to have a real friend for once in my life and I can't wait to get back home.

So my life is going pretty well.

Chloe's POV

So I'm exhilarated for the play, swan lake, and on the plus side josh is coming home with me. People think we won't make it but I don't so What if we don't stay together forever we are happy right now and that's what matters.

So my life is pretty good.

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