darcy x male!core! reader

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Moviemaster100 requested this

CONTEXT!: You are male. (He/him) you and darcy are both a shared mind becuz you are also apart of the core. Lol. You have powers like Steven universe. (His sheilds but instead of pink they are orange and yellow.) (Also in su Steven's sheild has a rose thing, you have an eye ig?) You can fly btw becuz why not? Also your kinda a bodyguard to darcy and stuff. Also I only added romance ending because I didn't really know and plus why not!?

No one's POV:

Darcy ran around the castle breaking things. She was about to break a painting but they were pulled back. "I wouldn't darcy." Y/n said in a stern voice. "Buzzkill.." darcy said, groaning. "Why are you breaking things, darcy?" Y/n asked, holding darcys hand so they don't try to break more things. "I wanna do mischievous stuff!" Darcy exclaimed. "Okay." Y/n says. Y/n started to walk, dragging darcy. "Were are we going?" Darcy asked, "mischief." Y/n responded, calmly.

Time skip

No one's POV:

Darcy and Y/n we're outside the floating castle, in the forest wandering around. "So, I get to whatever mischief I want!?" Darcy asked excitedly. "Mhm." Y/n stated calmly. They had been wandering for a little while. They saw some toads talking. Y/n pulled Darcy behind a tree. "I wanna attack them." Darcy said. "Okay. Let's do it!" *insert epic fight between toads and darcy* sasha, anne,and the planters just hopped out from the trees. "Oh no." Darcy said. Y/n grabbed darcy and pulled out his bubble sheild. "Time to go!" Y/n said. Darcy was about to run but....

Got picked up by y/n. "Can't have you tripping" y/n purred, winking at darcy. Y/n started to run.

Time skip

Darcy and Y/n had finally lost the planters and sasha. Darcy sighed. "Are you okay?" Y/n asked, worriedly. He placed his hands on darcys shoulder. "Im.....I'm okay" darcy said, starting blankly at y/n.

Darcys POV:

I cant belive this... do I... do I like y/n...no..i...maybe.. oh gosh. I do..

No one's POV:

"Uhm... earth to darcy..!" Y/n said louder. "Oh um..yeah sorry." Darcy said, a little shocked. " sigh let's go"


"DONT DROP MEEEE!!!!!!" Darcy yelled at Y/n, who was holding them in the air by his hands. "I won't drop you, darce." Y/n teased. "I-" y/n dropped darcy. They shrieked extremely loudly! Y/n grabbed Darcy. Darcy wrapped their legs around y/n's waist and put their hands/arms around his neck tightly. "I.Said.Dont.Drop.Me!" Darcy said, sternly. "Soz" y/n chuckled. Over time darcy had fallen asleep in y/ns chest. Y/n had finally gotten to the castle and sighed. Y/n walked to marcys room and sat darcy down in the bed. He planted a kiss on their cheek before sitting down by the bed and held darcys hand. "Night..." y/n said before drifting off to sleep.


Darcys POV:

I woke up. I felt something on my hand. I looked down and saw... Y/N!? I blush 50 different shades of red. I squeezed his hand. Sigh I got up and dragged him onto the bed. I placed him on the bed and put the blankets on him and was gonna walk away. "Mhm...can..you stay..?" Y/m asked in a weak ad tired tone. I walk back over to him. I sighed and layed down on the bed next to him. He placed his head in the Crook of my neck. I blushed heavily. "Goodnight N/N..." I said dozing off. "Night...darce.." y/n said sleepily.

And then they had sex- I'm kidding!!!! You pervert.

Okay bye. Uh request stuff if ya wanna!!!!!!!

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