newt is pushy with y/n

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A/N: y/n is:She/Her

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A/N: y/n is:She/Her


I walked around the floating palace. Since me and darcy were dating, it was kinda like I owned the place..but some people didn't know that I was directly with darcy.

"HEY!" A random Newt yelled at me. I looked over and he ran over to me.

"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING!! NOT BEING LAZY!!" The Newt yelled in my face, making me shrink into myself due to the loudness.

"I-i.. I was-" I tried


"I-I-I wasnt- I just- uh-"

The Newt grabbed my wrist tight enough to bruise.

"IF YOU WONT GO ILL TAKE YOU TO DARCY!!!" He yelled and started to drag me, bruising my wrist and making me stumble trying to follow him as he sped-walked to darcys room.

"OW! You're hurting me...!" I exclaimed, trying to break free

The Newt kept dragging me. We got to darcys room and he knocked before entering. He dragged me in and threw me on the floor. I winced in pain and looked up at darcy.



Darcy walked up to the newt.

I covered my ears and closed my eyes.


Blood splatter..

Begging for mercy before-


I felt hands on my waist and I was pulled up. I kept my eyes closed and darcy lead me away from the scene.

The rest of the day, darcy had me around their arms, even when working. They never let go of me for the next 3 weeks actually. They held me close and were very protective over me. Eventually, there was signs that said not to bother me if I was 'not doing work' because.. they put 'Y/N IS DATING DARCY, DONT FUCKING TOUCH THEM OR ANNOY THEM."

Thanks darce...but...nvm.. thank you..

312 words.

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