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This is what your wearing.

This is what your wearing

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No one's POV:

Y/n Sasha and anne had been fighting about how y/n never does any work other than healing people. Y/n snapped and told them that they had saved many lives and healed many horrid injuries. Anne and sasha kicked y/n out to go find marcy.

Y/ns POV:

I started running to the castle. I began to cry. Why is sasha being so mean..? I-i...she's replacing me with anne and marcy.. I've known her since birth, marcy a little after, and anne when I was 5, the age sasha met anne and marcy. I'd known sash better than anybody...or so I thought...she really does hate me...maybe she is just so tired of me. And- I stopped. I claimed up to te castle. (Somehow.) I stood on a balcony. I couldn't move. Mar-mars to room...I began to cry heavily again. This time I just sat down, put my knees to my chest, and cried. I didn't care anymore. I didn't care if someone killed me right now. I just wanted to cry..

Darcys POV:

I groaned. Someone was crying again. It BETTER not be Olivia again- oh..who is?- my sensors say marcy knew them ever since they were..2.. and this person is in much distress and anger. I walked out to the balcony. The person didn't hear or see me. I sat next to them. "Hi." I say, weakly. In all honesty, I had not one clue what to say. I could do something if I knew why they were sad. "O-oh..I-im so *sniff* sorry..." they said, their eyes red, yet still crying. "What be yer name? And why be it that thou is-eth crying?" I say trying to kinda sound a little funny. They chuckle softly. "I think your not suppose to say 'is-eth' it wouldn't go in the sentence. What you should have said was, 'What be yer name?! And why it be that thou be in thy process of weeping?'" The person said smuggly during the end. "" I blushed softly. "Thou sound like an old timey person." I say looking at them. "My names y/n by the way." The person known as y/n said. "What's yours?" They said whipping their tears. "Oh uhM....m' names darcy. So uhm funny story I kinda-" "took over marcys body. Yeah Ik what marcy looks like and well, uhm look at cha!" Y/n said, seemly stating the obvious. "Hm. Yeah I guess. Anyways y'wanna tell me why you were crying?" I asked, completely ignoring the fat y/n guess why marcy wasn't here. "Oh...uhm well. *explains story* so uhm y-yeah.." y/n said, beginning to tear up. By now we were facing each other. I pulled them into a tight, but breathable hug. After a while y/n had fallen asleep in my arms. I took them into my room and layed them onto the bed. I contemplated whether or not to lay down with them. After a while I just layed down. Soon falling asleep. (Did ya think this was the end? No I'm not ending another chapter with sleeping don't worry loves! <3 I've learned that's boring.)

After a while I woke up to gently crying. I slowly opened my eyes to see y/n holding a photo of them,sasha,marcy,and anne. I sat up. They looked at me before jumping into my arms. I hugged them gently. After a bit they let go. "Im sorry-" "don't worry about it, n/n." I say, smiling softly. They looked at me. "Wanna do something to keep your mind off your asshole of your friends?" I ask. "Heh. Ok" they said in a softer voice. I slid out of bed and put my armor on. Y/n changed behind me. "Are you done, darcy?" Y/n asked. "Yeah!" I replied. We both turned around. I went over to them and grabbed their hand. I pulled them out of my room. " What do you wanna do first?" I asked y/n, hoping they had something in mind. They smiled mischievously. "Could we maybe mess with sasha and the others. Their going on a mission to receive more boomshroms, and some more weapons from a gut named, Timothy Jenkins Rodger, a uhm...Newt I think-" "Ik Timothy. Damn traitor...." I mumbled, angrily. Y/n held onto my arm. "Huh?" I looked at them then forward to find that their was alot of robots. "AHEM!!" I quickly git the attention of everyone in the room. "leave right this instance!" I stated firmly. I quickly held onto y/n in a hug. Robots passed, most of them almost trampled into us. I saw in my sensors that y/n was afraid. I kissed the top of their head. I looked away, slightly embarrassed myself. Though I still smiled softly. After a minute, the robots were gone. I took y/n into ride. We made it down to the ground. After about an hour or so of walking we saw the resistance. "Can you hold my from that tree?" Y/n said whispering, and pointing at a tree. "Course I can." I said walking over with y/n. I held them by their feet. They pulled sashas hair. I quickly pulled them back up. The held onto me, with a happy smile. It made me smile warmly to see y/n happier. Sasha looked so dumb. Sasha went back to talking. This time y/n poked both of Anne's eyes. They were on the urge of bursting Into laughter. We keep messing with the resistance, taking turns with each one the planters and sasha. After a bit we decided to leave. The whole way back to our ride I held y/ns hand. I was skeptical but I knew. I had a crush on y/n l/n... that's their last name...right.?yeah okay okay.. y/n and me finally got back to the castle it was late but not to late. Probably Like 7:00pm. I walked y/n to the kitchen. I attempted to make them food but didn't work out. Y/n cleaned up my face. I had flout on it...all over it... after the clean up every thing they helped me make food. I was a little disappointed that I didn't make it by myself but doing it together was fun. Mostly for y/n because they teased me about how I was all upset about not being able to make it by myself. "Darcy,if you made it by yourself." Y/n grabbed the muffins out the oven. "You would have made this all into a black goop, plus the whole castle would be boring down." Y/n said placing out food onto plates. "Tada!" Y/n said. We both sat down and started eating. We talked about random stuff. Mostly y/n talked about their hyperfixiations. After we finished eating, I took y/n back to the balcony. The sun was just about to disappear. But was still kinda their. "'s beautiful darc.." y/n said sitting down and staring at the sun-ish set. I looked at y/n. Now or never I suppose. I mean they have to leave to check in with the resistance. "Uhm...hey y/n?" I asked shyly, looking at them. They looked back. "Yeah darc" They asked, warmly. I kissed their lips. Soon enough they kissed back. We had to let go for air. "Uh..wanna be my girlfriend..?" I asked, holding their hand. "Of course darc!" Y/n said hugging me. "Oh! I have to go!" Y/n said getting their stuff. They pulled me into a hug. "I love you darc!" Y/n said squeezing me. "I-i love you too.." i say. I loved that we were dating but I'm gonna miss them even if it's only a few hours. They fun to be around.

Y/ns POV:

Sigh "Darcy I promise that I'll be back by 9:00am!" I replied happily. It was nice to have someone. "Okay..." darcy mumbled sadly. I kissed them lovingly. I pulled off. "9:00am. Kay love?" I said. Did I just call darcy LOVE?! I blushed heavily. "I-i mean dar-" " I like the nickname, darling~" Darcy purred. (Like replied in a flirtatious tone) "okay. Darling be back by 9:00am. You should go though. It's almost 10." Darcy said a little sad. I pecked her cheek then left.

Once y/n gets back to the resistance.

"This mission was the-" "Y/N!!" Sasha yelled, running over to me. She hugged me tightly. I pushed away. "I'm fine." I started walking to my room. Anne pulled me back. "DID YOU FIND MARCY!?" Anne exclaimed. "NO. Leave me alone." I walked to my room and slammed the door. Sasha and anne were yelling outside my door. I grabbed a book and started reading it. 'Fuck 'em.'

A/n: thy end my loves. This took half a day. So you better Like it. Sorry but yeah.

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