Darcy x transmale! reader

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A/n: okay sooooo like y/n is trans ftm/male/masc whateva and uhm y/n has been self conscious about how people keeping talking about his appearance and how he looks like a girl andddd uh well you'll see!!!! Also the readerhas not came out to darcy yet.

This is what darcy looks like

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This is what darcy looks like.(without helmet but Luke really dark hair. And more her skin color)
D/n =dead name

D/n's pov:

*Sigh* where is that thing?! Why did darcy run off? Did I do something wrong? Gosh... Oh maybe their in mar-mars room! I'll go there! I'm sure shes there! *checks marcys room* not here!? *GROAN* Ugh where is darcy!? Oh....I know now. I'll just go there. *starts walking* I know shes there. But I really wanna know why they left. I don't think i- *whisper whisper* huh? I glanced over to the whispers. Robots were looking at me while whispering, with confused and faces of disgust. Are they talking about me? Of course they are... I cut my hair earlier...Is that why darcy ran off?! Oh gosh...- " Why does SHE look like a boy?" On robot says "I don't know but it's weird. A girl should dress like a girl NOT a boy." "She's probably trying to get attention or something" "Yeah. Attention seeker." The robots scoff. ...I'll go to darcy. *starts walking* *trips* "OOF!!" I said, groaning. *insert weird ass robot cackling* their all looking at me...pointing and laughing... I got up and started running. The laughing filled my ears and my head I felt so embarrassed and scared. They were all looking at me... I started crying. I finally got there I opened the door.

Darcys POV:

Huh? Who's there? I turned around to find d/n with HER head down. I got up and walked over to HER. SHE looked up at me. SHE had tears running down HER face. "Woah..hey what's wrong..?" I asked putting my hands and HER cheeks. SHE sighed and hugged me. Ohmygoshohmygosh!!! I hugged HER back wrapping my arms around HER tightly. "What happened..?" I asked picking HER up and walking to my desk, sitting down on the chair letting HER sit on my lap. "What happened?" I asked, starting to play with HER hair. "I uhm...well im..uhm IM TRANS DARCY!" D/n said "okay! That's okay! I don't really mind. Do you have a preferred name?" I asked smiling sweetly. "Wha..." d/n said looking up at me speechless. "Yeah I don't really mind if your trans I doesn't make you bad or weird. So do you have a preferred name or do you need help?" I asked cupping his cheeks. "O-Oh it's y/n..." he said blushing slightly. "Hm...y/n.. I like the sound of it! It fits you!" I responded. Y/n started laughing. He's so dorky. He hugged me tightly. "I can't breath!" I said trying to get some air. "Sorry, sorry!" He exclaimed, letting go. He looked in my eyes before giving me a small kiss and the lips. After a moment he let go and ran off smiling and giggling. I-...hm. I smiled softly, feeling the kiss over and over.

Y/n's POV:

I cant belive I just did that! Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod!!!! I just did that. I ran off to the room darcy made for me. Smiling the whole way not caring about what the robots were saying. I layed in bed and feel asleep.

A few hours later...

Still your pov:

I fluttered my eyes open. I took me a second to adjust to my surroundings. I got up and saw something on the end of my bed. It was....

A BINDER!? did...did darcy... I took the note and read it. It was from darcy. "Huh..?" A voice said. What?! I was pulled back down onto the bed. I saw darcys face. "Sleep." She stated. She gave me a small kiss and my forehead. I gave her one on her cheek. I poked her eyes. "OWCH!" She shrieked. Grumble... "Sorry darce..." I said, a little guilty. "Mhm..." She pulled me into the Crook of her neck. Sigh. I cuddled closer. I started to play with her hair as a way to relax. I soon fell asleep. Darcy a little after.

A/n: okay not the longest but I just randomly came up with this sooooo yeah!!! Also Im a tansmale so I was like "let's do this cuz yeah" idek why but oka yeah bye!!!

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