sashaz twin gn reader!

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I woke up

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I woke up. My head was killing me. I opened my eyes and everything was blurry. Once my eyes slight adjusted I realized I was back in amphibia. But not outside. I was in andrias' castle but it looked different. My min went back to marcy and that day. I teared up and stood up. I need to find sash. If I can find her ill bring okay. I need my twin.

For the past 3 days Y/n has been avoiding guards and trying to find a safe way out, any signs of marcy, and seeing anything that belongs to Sasha. It was unsuccessful. They were floating in the air and no signs of any of their friends. They felt like giving up until they realized Sasha never gave up and decided to search for any signs of Olivia and yunan. Eventually they stumbled into darcys control room and wandered around slowly. It seemed empty just some weird mechanical stuff. They shrugged and began walking out till wires tied around their body and trapped them. They freaked out trying to escape or turn around. A collar was put on their neck and they passed out.

All they could see them selves was their body walking and talking om its own, without them doing that. They couldn't move. It was like they were being controlled. Eventually, a weird looking human ish axolotl-spider looking creature strides into the room.

"Hello, my little puppet." They call out, sounding familiar in a way. Their body moved on its own and walked over to the creature. They bowed to it.

"You're helping me fight today." It says, looking into my eyes, sensing my presence.

"I am Darcy." It says and guides me with them. We land outside the castle on the burned grass and start walking. Their grip on y/ns hand was tight yet comfortable in a way. After some walking y/n assumed they had arrived. They saw....SASHA AND GRIME!? Is that who they were fighting? No way! Y/n isn't fighting her sister. But their body moved on its own and pulled out dual swords and charged at them, fighting better than they ever did before. Sasha tried to attack Darcy but y/n ran in front of Darcy and was slashed across the eye. The cut bleed alot and was very deep. Sasha and Grime retreats and darcy grabs y/n looking at the injury before beginning to stop the bleeding and bandage it up. After all was done Darcy led them back to the castle,laying them on marcys bed and letting them sleep.

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