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Darcy and Y/N ran through the halls of the castle. They were both laughing and breaking Andrias stuff.

Darcy stopped and looked at Y/N

"Do you still have those spray paint things?" Darcy asked excitedly

"Yes" Y/N responded, smirking


Darcy and Y/N ran around andrias room, spray painting everything they could.

They stepped back to admire their work

"It's magnificent." Darcy took Y/N's hand

"Like you-"

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" Andrias screamed in horror

"Run." *Darcy quickly said and we started running, they kept tripping.

Y/N picked up Darcy the best she could and ran, trying not to trip herself in the process.

The two of them arrived at darcys/mar-mars room and started laughing their asses off

"D-D-Did *wheeze* did you see his face?!" Darcy exclaimed




°°°After they calmed down°°°

"Darcy.. idk how to place flipwart, well not well at least..." Y/N stated, looking at Darcy, who was on their knees begging

"Pleaseeeee PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEEEE!!!" Darcy begged

"I only know because I used to play chess occasionally.."

"So!? I wanna playyy" Darcy whined

"You're gonna win everytime!"







Darcy proceeded to beat Y/N at flipwart every time, causing some rage from Y/N

"GODDAMMIT!" Y/N screamed out

"LET ME BE WHITE!" Y/N exclaimed and darcy and her switched seats so y/n is white, so she goes first.

"Imma beat ya." Y/n says, too cock for her own good.

"Try me, pretty girl~" Darcy teased.

○○○ruh roo raggy○○○

"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" Y/N exclaimed. She had been winning but... Darcy beat her, like always, with ease.

"Uh...let's calm dow-" Darcy started, but ofc was interrupted

"NO FUCK THIS!" Y/N flips the board and then the table, Darcy just barley moving out the way in time

"Calm down darling!" Darcy exclaimed, grabbed y/ns hand

Y/n was breathing heavily but suddenly, hugged Darcy


"What's up?"

"I love you"

Darcy tensed up for a moment then relaxed

"I love you too, little miss rages at board games"

"Shut up"

"You shut up, you dummy"


"Wowwwwww that's so mean y/n!"


"It's alright...I'm still better than you at flipwart lol"

"Nuh uh"

393 words lol

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