Mind controled fem reader

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Darcy: They/ThemY/N: She/Her

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Darcy: They/Them
Y/N: She/Her


Y/Ns pov:

I opened my eyes. But I couldn't move or speak. But I could see. I looked at my neck and saw the mind control collar on me. I looked up and saw this weird 10 eyed creature. It kinda looked like an axolotl-spider creature. It looked in my eyes..my eyes before smiling softly. I wanted to speak, to ask questions, or to run, but I couldn't. It seemed to understand my confusion. It spoke.

"Hello, Y/N, I'm am Darcy. You are under my control, please do not be afraid."

I wanted to talk on my own, I really did. I suppose my eyes showed fear, confusion or something along those lines, because they spoke to me again.

"Calm down Y/N. You're safe with me. I would never hurt you darling."


"I apologize about this situation, hun. It's quite unfortunate that I had to result to mind control. But..it was the only way to get to you. I need you to go capture Sasha Elizabeth Waybright and Anne Savisa Boonchuy. They are.. important on my mission."

Suddenly my body moved and I was running out the door with a sword and rope in hand


The mission didn't go well you could say... I was cut up and bruised.

I... well my body walked back into the room darcy was in. They took one look at me before running over to me and examining my injuries. They took my hand and made my body walk to a chair before making ne sit down.

"I knew I should not have made you go on that horrible mission. I'm very sorry. I apologize for the inconvenience I have caused you." Darcy took a first aid kit and started to clean up my cuts.

"I'm very sorry darling for that. I truly am. I wish I never sent you on that."

W-was.. was darcy tearing up..?

Darcy sniffles and wiped their eyes and started patching my injuries.

They were crying

I wanted to say something, ANYTHING to them, but I couldn't.




I started crying and they noticed almost immediately.

"Oh no no no! Please don't cry.. am I hurting you? Don't cry.." darcy immediately hugged me and then wiped my tears, trying to make me feel better.

They sighed

They took the mind control collar off and I immediately stood up and stumbled.

"Im...so sorry.." They mumbled.

"I just....didn't want to be alone.." They quietly whispered before falling to their knees and sobbing.

I stumbled over to them and hugged them

"Me neither..." I whispered

"...I should not have done this... I'm so sorry.."

"It's okay... I forgive you.."

"You shouldn't..."

"But I do.."

Once I said that darcy looked at me and hugged me tightly before gently kissing me cheek.

"Marcy loves you.. and I feel compelled to love you like they do.."


"Of course....my love.."

"Oh.." I rested my head on their shoulder

"I love you, Y/N"




"I love you too, Darcy..."

520 words.

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