jealous darcy x fem reader

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It was a normal day in the palace

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It was a normal day in the palace. Or so the others thought. It was darcy and y/ns anniversary. For the past 2 weeks, y/n had been planning a special dinner and date for Darcy, though darcy had no clue. Y/n got the help of Olivia and yunan to help her. Darcy was jealous. Y/n would talk with the two of them blush, laugh, flirt, etc. They hated it. Seeing their girlfriend with 2 stupid newts. Maybe she could get revenge for these pained jealous feelings.

Y/n wad walking through the palace, looking for Olivia and yunan. She hummed a tune softly as she strolled through the hall. It was the day of Darcy and Y/ns anniversary. She was so excited to show Darcy what she had been planning but needed yunan and Olivia's help with one last thing. She looked everywhere in the palace for the newts, getting worried as time went. She began to call out to the newts before decided to ask Darcy if they knew where they were. She walked to darcys control room.

She found robots dead, and some guards killed aswell. They were all tangled up in darcys wires.

"So you've arrived." Darcy said grabbing y/n from behind, holding a firm grip on her waist. Y/n tensed up at the sight of the blood and almost vomited. Darcy was confused and turned her around. They saw y/ns sick looking face and the tears in her eyes. Darcy began to feel bad but pushed it away.

"...wh-why woul..d you..?" Y/n stammered out, beginning to cry, seeing her friends dead.

"To show you that you are mine. No one else gets you." Darcy immediately responded.

"...I guess all that work was for nothing...all the planning for our anniversary...I guess I shouldn't put so much effort into're not marcy." Y/n stated rudely, beginning to walk away. Darcy ran and hugged onto them. Keeping them from leaving.

"You planned something?" Darcy whispered out.

"That's why I was with Olivia and yunan..." Y/n explained.

"I-im sorry...I thought you were..." darcy muttered out.

"It's okay...just..follow me.." Y/n led Darcy to a room. Darcys eyes were closed. Y/n opened the door and Darcy opened their eyes. The rooms was decorated with gifts, streamers, etc. There was dinner on the table. Chicken bowtie pasta. Both y/n and Darcys favorite. There was art of the 2 of them. Darcy teared up seeing this and hugged y/n.

"I'm sorry for what I did...this is beautiful..." darcy said, choking back tears. Y/n turned to Darcy and kissed them softly. Darcy returned the kiss with such passion. They broke the kiss and sat at the table. The two of them started eating. After that Darcy opened anniversary gifts. Then y/n ked Darcy to bed, laying down on their chest.

"I love you so're my world, darling.." Darcy muttered sleepily, playing with y/ns hair.

"I love you too, darcy.." y/n said, drifting into sleep.

"Goodnight..." darcy whispered before falling asleep themself.


I wrote this on the bus home lmao

Sorry I haven't been writing I was I'm the psych ward, my dad put me in it lmao I'm good tho

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