chubby fem reader.

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A/n: yipee!!

Y/ns pov:

I looked at myself in the mirror. I look stupid. Why does darce even like all this fat? I began to tear up. I sniffles and wiped the tiny tear. I walked outside. It doesn't matter, they like it, I know it. I walk into darcys room, they were playing chess against themself.

"Oh! N/N come play! I'll reset the board-... oh.." mid sentence I hugged Darcy tightly. They hug back hesitantly.

"A-are you okay?" They ask, tightening the hug


"Yeah hun?"

"How can this fat...?"

"Oh honey.." darcy whispered before they cupped my cheeks on their hands

"You're so dazzling...How could I not love your body?" Darcy quietly exclaimed

Darcy took my hand and walked me to the mirror in their room. They stood next to me as they made me look at myself in the mirror.

"Look at you! You look magnificent my darling.." Darcy said in a sweet, loving tone before kissing me gently.

"I love you no matter what...and I certainly love this chub!" Darcy started to mess with my stomach chub before kissing my eye.

"I love you so so so much.. nothing will ever change the way I feel about you. No one can tear us apart..Y/N, I will always love you, no matter what you look like, or what happens to you. I'll always be here for you..."

A/n: I'm so silly and goofy

250 words

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