Chapter 1 : Chiara Moretti

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                             this is my first book and I hope you guys like it :)

There will be mistakes in it and I hope you can correct me on them and give me some tips as I would like to better my writing.

I will publish it all completed so if you guys like it you won't have to wait for chapters, the writing gets better as the book goes on and the same for the smut.

I've never written anything before so bare with me on this.

Trigger warning:

There will be lots of sensitive topics on this book at this is the only warning that I'm going to put.

There will be no more A/N until the end but I hope you take the time to read and that you enjoy.

Please leave any advice you have too :)

Please leave any advice you have too :)

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There was a time when I was happy. I was free and I had all a girl could dream of. That was until that night. The night that the darkness dared me to invite it in. The night I found my older brother. Lifeless and laid in a pool of his own blood. Marked by the devil himself. Tears filled my eyes and anger soaked through my bones, and in that moment I knew I wouldn't stop until I walked away from the devil who did this, leaving him in a pool of blood that was his own.

I had already had training my whole life, and now it would only be one more intense. I would would get to him. I wouldn't stop until I tasted the sweetness of revenge dripping on my tongue.

That was 3 years ago. I was 17 and ever since it has been one dead end after another, but now I was closer then ever before. Blood had been spilled all through Italy and his would be next. He won't go down without a fight, I know that much, so a fight he shall have.

I was walking through the streets of Rome. It was a late summer night and the street lights shone a golden light over the mesmerising city. The silence of the night was almost beautiful. The city was asleep and the only sound meeting my ears were the faint ones of my light steps as I walked. This place felt at peace and for three long years I yearned to feel it too, but I couldn't, I needed to do this. I need to do it so that I could sleep at night knowing that Damiano would have his justice and I can finally ley his memory to rest.

My brothers killer was Valentino hart, the don of the Italian mafia, the most powerful mafia in the world. He is ruthless, cold and powerful and anybody who dared to go after him was ended, along with the rest of their bloodline. But me. I wasn't scared to die, and he already killed the last person I knew as family.

He maybe strong but the one thing this journey he taught me is everybody has a weakness, and no doubt his was his family. This is why his sister will be the key for me getting my revenge. Throughout the years I have gained my own connections and have made a name for myself in the underworld. To the knowledge of others I was only an assassin, a very good one at that. There was a few unfortunate people foolish enough to to figure it out, and I saw to it that it was their last mistake.

It would be a lie to say that I'm perfect, or that I haven't made any mistakes, because I'm not and I have made plenty of mistakes.

My parents were in a crash when I was a baby, and they didn't survive, since then Damiano had taken care of me.

I don't remember my parents but from the stories I have been told I'm sure they were nice people. Damiano would tell me stories on how they met and what they were like, he had a different father to me, who passed when he was young too.

Until Damiano died my sins only consisted of coming home late and sneaking out. Now I have killed and tortured my way to the top, and uncovered a world I didn't know existed. A world that was supposed to be long gone.

A world where kill counts and cruelty decided your place in the hierarchy.

A world in which crime and rigged systems were as common as breathing air.

The underworld.

I was getting tiered and I started to make my way back to the hotel I was staying at. I would be travelling to Milan tomorrow as I have come to learn the harts will be staying there for the next months. I have also been invited to attend a charity gala in the area.

I work for everyone, I kill and torture upon request. An assassin of some sorts.

I am very skilled and I know what I'm doing, my work is not cheap.


I woke up feeling drowsy, but I got up nonetheless. I had a big day ahead of me and I was relived knowing that I was finally getting closer to my mission. It has been a long three years and it was a relief to know that I was one step closer to avenging my brother.

I have always been fully aware that this is no normal way to go about what happened. Most family's would grieve and then eventually get their closure, but that wouldn't happen here. You get closure from justice, and I don't see anybody locking Valentino Hart up anytime soon,but I'm also not prepared to walk away from it all.

After getting dressed in a simple outfit consisting of black Jeans, a black long sleeved hoodie and some chunky boots, I tied my long, brown hair up and made my way to the taxi.

As the taxi drove I couldn't help myself from once again admiring the beauty of this city. The sun was still rising and the streets were empty, yet the city still looked and felt so alive. We drove past a delicate white, stone waterfall. The sensational sounds of the water drizzling onto the soft rocks beneath could put a fox to sleep at night. For the first time in three years I felt a sliver of harmony and I knew that one day I would return, one day this heavenly place would become my home.

In a way this scared me. I had spent so much time on the hunt and for the first time I thought of my life after it was all over. I was always so alert and I was unsure if I would ever be capable of turning that off. Living this life has taught me that you have to always be aware of your surroundings and prepare for the worst.

"We're here ma'am" the elderly driver spoke up pulling me out of my daze.

"Thank you" I nodded at the driver, who in return sent me a friendly smile, before paying him and dragging my suitcases to the large doors of the airport.

During the plane journey I looked over all of my documents regarding the Harts, which Luca provided me with. He had gotten together so much information and with everything going on I have not yet had the chance to read through them properly.

Luca is the most trustworthy connection I have made. He is convenient and throughout my involvement in this world he has shown me mining other than kindness and loyalty. He often questions me on my motives and is curious as to what my vendetta against the harts are but I always shut him down. Giving Luca too much information will involve him more then he needs to be.

From what I have learned Valentino hart is merciless and will not allow anyone to stand in his way. I don't feel care towards luca he is just useful, but he has shown me a lot of kindness which is very rare in this lifestyle and I do not intend on giving him a one way ticket to digging his own grave.

My eyes started to grow heavy and I decided to let myself sleep for a while.

When I woke up we had landed in Milan.

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