Chapter 31: His turn

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I walked into the bathroom feeling pretty proud of myself as I turned the shower on

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I walked into the bathroom feeling pretty proud of myself as I turned the shower on.

I brushed my teeth before slipping out of my clothes and underneath the warm water.

I played some music, not too loud as Valentino was on the phone.

I let the water run down my body feeling the warmth hug my skin.

I tipped my face back, letting soak my face and wet my hair.

I felt cold air hit my skin before feeling his presence behind me.

"Hey, lover boy" I joked before turning around.

My eyes met his, it was a look I could easily get lost in, as sweet as chocolate, yet as hard as the bark of an oak tree.

He stepped forward letting the water hit him, the droplets trailed down his body, going in between the ridges of his abs.

The water flowed through his skin like a river flows through  deserted land.

"Quite the little stunt you pulled there" his voice was deep and husky, and his lust filled eyes stared back into mine.

"You loved seeing me all messed up from your touch" he took a step forward.

"Guilty" I replied with sweet smile "I just love to play" It was my turn to step forward. I'm not going to back down.

"Is that so" he asked raising and eyebrow as his hands brushed up my arm, sending a shiver up my spine.

"It is so" i ran my hands down his chest and he visibly tensed under my touch.

"Good, because I do to" he said softly before wrapping his hand around my throat backing me up until I felt the glass wall of the shower on my back "and it's my turn" he said before his lips crashed on mine.

His lips were warm and soft , contradicting the way his lips moved hungrily against mine, my eyes fluttered shut and he used his free hand to knead my breast, running his fingers over my hard nipples causing me to let out a soft moan.

Valentino took the opportunity to push his tongue into mine, filling me with the familiar taste of soft mint.

His warm hands slipped behind my knee pulling my leg up as the hand still gripped around my throat pulled me forward, tilting my head back as he deepened.

I felt a subtle tickle as his hand moved, trailing down, only stopping when I'm between my legs.

The kiss rough and his touch dominating as he began to run his fingers in circles over my clit and I let out a whimper.

Valentino trailed kisses down my neck, pulling another moan from my lips and a steadied myself, resting my hands on his shoulders.

His mouth was warm and wet as it pulled at the sensitive skin. Two is his long, inked fingers pushed into my  soaking pussy.

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