Chapter 37: Charlie

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I woke up still tangled up, my arms around my angel

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I woke up still tangled up, my arms around my angel.

I looked down at her sleeping body, I would have to get up soon but a few more minutes wouldn't hurt.

It was already 10am which meant we had slept for hours.

She told me she loves me, the feelings that rushed to my chest in that moment could set city's alight, it could freeze the sun and make ice go warm.

It was a feeling that still bubbles in my chest, and my face refused to remove the smile off my face, the smile that I had no doubt laid across my face all night.

I felt her body shift and when I looked down her long eyelashes blinked up at me, her sleepy face smiling at me "morning" she mumbled.

"Good morning,princess" I brushed my fingers across her cheek as I pushed her lips on mine.

I pulled back and it was then that I noticed the bandage wrapped around her small hands. "What happened" I asked looking down at her.

"I guess your not the only one with a bad temper" she muttered bringing her lips back to mine.

I've missed these lips so much.

I pulled her up until I felt her weight straddle me as she moved her lips against mine. She rolled her hips agains me and I let out a strangled groan, from the sensation making my dick hard.

"Fuck" I groaned out as I felt her smile agains my lips, continuing to rock her hips back and forth.

I grabbed handfuls of her ass as I pulled her closer into me.

She pulled her lips away from mine, peppering kissed down my neck and chest.

"What are you doing to me, princess" I pushed her up before bringing my shirt that she had put on last night over her head,leaving her top bare.

I ran my hands up her silky skin before sitting up and taking her erect nipple into my mouth. Fuck she tastes so good, if I could replace all my meals with her I would.

She threw her head back and let out a soft whine, and every second I wasnt in her felt like torture.

She pushed me back into the bed, slowly brushing her hands down my chest, sending tingles through my body, she started to play with the hem of my boxers before leaning back and pulling off the pair she had on herself, at a torturous pace, and after she had took them off she removed mine too.

Her bare skin against mine had my dick pulsing, and left me breathless panting up at her.

She nibbled at my earlobe before slowly whispering in my ear "I want you", she pulled up staring down at me, her eyes glossy and filled with desire.

"So take me" I whispered back.

She lifted up before settling my tip at her entrance, dripping down my cock as she did so.

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