Chapter 43: to miss him

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2 weeks later

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2 weeks later.

The past two weeks were hard, I felt a certain numbness wrap around me, I didn't want to cry and scream, but I didn't want to smile and laugh either.

I wanted to hide, to run away from my problems but I couldn't, this one would follow me wherever I went.

He was tattooed into my mind and his scent still filled the bedsheets when I went to sleep at night.

I miss him.

Sadness and anger have always been hard emotions to deal with, but you can find a way to realise them. When you feel sad, you do something that makes you happy. When you feel angry, you do something to calm yourself down, but when you miss someone. What can you do? The only way to ease missing someone is to see them, touch them, hold them.

I can't do that.

Angelo was controlling the mafia, and Sam had been promoted. Angelo let him have his time with Lev, which he was grateful for.

it was hard for Angelo, he misses him too, we all do, but Angelo has a mafia to run along side it, I think in a way it was how he got by.

Elena and Theo went to see him everyday, they were distraught but I think the visits eased their pain.

Malcom didn't hide how he felt, he was down all of the time, he dealt with it the healthy way, and for that I envied him.

I on the other hand barley left Valentino's bedroom. My meals were brought to me and I usually sent them back untouched,he had an en suit so I used the toilet and shower in there.

I couldn't wash his bedsheets, I didn't want to, his smell was the only thing that could get me to sleep, and even then I struggled, he imprinted my mind and all I wanted was for a moment of peace. A moment to forget. A moment to feel some comfort. A moment of anything other then this.

I dragged myself out of the sheets and made my way into the bathroom. I hadn't showered a a while and I was starting to smell like shit.

I stripped out of Valentino's shirt and took a moment to admire my new tattoo. 'Valentino'.

His name in cursive Writing, small and delicate on the upper left of my ribs, with a small heart next to it.

I showered and brushed my teeth before pulling one of Valentino's hoodies over my head. I put his sweatpants on before brushing my hair and forced myself to leave the room.

As I stepped i stepped into the hall way I noticed Angelo walking in my direction.



"Can we talk?" He asked motioning to Valentino's office.

Angelo didn't want to move all the documents and information to his own, so instead he worked in Valentino's.

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