Chapter 4: the beginning

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I slowly swam out from underneath the dock

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I slowly swam out from underneath the dock.
"Valentino" I nodded my head to him.

"Miss Moretti, what are you doing hiding under a dock  in the middle of the night".

I scoffed "I wasn't hiding. I was swimming and I heard people coming. I didn't know who it was and I don't have my weapons on was my only option."

"I have to admit you were silent under there. I wouldn't have know you were here if I hadn't seen your car Parker across the road."

I only nodded my head in response.

We fell into an awkward silence.

There was something intriguing about the darkness that surrounded him. He is damaged, in what way I'm unsure but it was there. I guess that's what this world does to you. You don't get to the top untouched and he was at the peak of the food chain. He had removed his blazer and rolled the sleeves up of his shirt since a couple hours ago when I had met him. This only defined his muscles more.
He was gorgeous, yet  so dangerous. Everything about him pulls you in but it was a ruse.

Valentino is as evil as they come. It would come as no surprise if he mentored the devil himself.

"As much fun as this is, I had better get going" I forced myself to break the silence before pulling myself up on to the dock.

I saw him tense up and it was then that I was reminded I was only in my underwear. He eyes traveled around my body and I could cower under his intense gaze. But I wouldn't let myself. I couldn't  let myself feel small against him, not even for a second. Even more so I couldn't let my mind wander from the real reasons I was here.

I cleared my throat to break the silence that had fallen once again.

"I'll see you tomorrow miss Moretti."

"Its Chiara" I retorted.

"I know."

I walked over and picked up my dress before throwing it on again and making my way back to my car leaving Valentino behind. I was starting to feel cold so I turned up the heating in my car and waited for my phone to charge.

My phone turned on pretty quickly and as I checked the directions heavy rain started to kiss the windows of the car. My mind focused on the droplets that drizzled down the window but before I could go into deep thought the car door opened. I immediately grabbed my gun and pointed it in the direction of the passenger door, only to see Valentino stood there.

"Fuck sake" I breathed.

"Sorry about that. Didn't mean to creep up on you" he apologised.

He stood outside the door, rain pouring over him. He was drenched and water droplets slid down his hair, falling onto his face. His shirt was now stuck to his skin outlining his muscles. It would be a lie if I said it wasn't attractive. This is the kind of man that women fall to their knees for, the kind of man that even the finest of men envy. He's got it all, the looks, the frame, even the charm but I won't let it fool me. I know what he really is. Everyone in the underworld knows how dangerous he is, even men that work for him fear him.

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