Chapter 25: angel

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"Please don't break my heart" she muttered before her breath evened our letting me know she was asleep

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"Please don't break my heart" she muttered before her breath evened our letting me know she was asleep.

The soft mumble of her tiered voice went straight to my heart, it's the last thing I want to do, I would never want to hurt her. I can't promise her that, I can't make her a promise that I'm not sure I can't keep. It will only hurt her more.

If I make her a promise I may not be able to keep not only will it hurt her more but it will take the value away from my promise. It will take the meaning, therefor the purpose away.

"I can't promise you that" I whispered to the sleeping beauty laid into me as I pulled my arms around her pushing her closer into my chest.

Her warmth and scent engulfs me and I feel this weird fluttery shit in my stomach.

"But I can promise to try" I whisper again before musing the top of her head.

I can keep that promise.

Everything just got a lot more complicated.

I acted on my feelings resulting in something that lead to them feelings doubling in size.

Feelings that I could no longer pretend didn't exist.

Feelings that will be here even if she's not.

I knew the mission would have to be stopped. I couldn't go through with it. Not now. She means too much and to my luck I realised that before it was too late.

I tightened my arm around her, afraid that I'd I let go she would disappear.

The thought of her disappearing made my stomach turn, and I couldn't help but think back to what she said earlier. When it was all over she was going to leave, and I would loose the person that brought me feeling I didn't know existed. Good feelings. Feelings I didn't want to go away, but I knew I'd sue left they would follow her.

It never bothered me before. I've always heard people talk about the feeling you get when you meet someone you like, but I've never experienced them first hand. Not until I met her.

It didn't bother me because I didn't know how truly addictive these feeling were, but now that I have I'm not willing to loose them. I'm not willing to loose her.

Her plans are to leave but I can only hope that time will change her mind.

I don't know what I'll do if she leaves. I'm too deep into it now, and that's her fault so it would be selfish if her to leave. I tell that to myself not entirely trust how it is. Maybe it would be selfish, but I know it would be more selfish of me to say.

This girl was changing me and I found myself liking it. I would never spend the night with anyone but my heart sank when I saw her looking at the door decided if she should stay or leave.

I want to say I wouldn't have cared if she left, but I would have more then I will ever say out loud.

Chiara is my girl and if another man dared to touch what's mine I would remove his hands, disabling him from touching anything ever again. She's not changed me that much.

Only an hours ago I was trying to convince myself that I couldn't let myself deter from my plans, and now i had made her mine and making a silent promise to myself that I would protect her always. Not only from the world but from myself.

I knew I was falling to fast but I couldn't seem to steady myself, I don't want to, if feels too good, she feels too good.

I removed my arms around her waist to brush the hair out of my face, not daring to look away in fear of her not being there when I look back.

She began to stir and I rolled her over so she was facing me before telling my arm around her waist as I pulled her closer so that her head rested on my chest.

Her soft breath danced across my bare skin and as she rested her beautifully manicured hand on my chest I felt myself falling further.

She was so gentle yet it felt like with every touch a small part of me lit up, and I knew I would no longer be able to go without it.

I wouldn't be able to go a day without feeling her soft touch, hearing her heavenly voice or the way her lips compelled me when they fit so perfectly against mine.

I watched down at the enchantress that had put this spell over my head as she lay there sleeping in my arms.

Her long eyeshades lay over the unblemished skin of her cheeks and her king brown locks fell effortlessly onto her smooth golden skin.

Part of me wishes she knew how beautiful she really is, but the other part of me didn't want her to, for us she realised the extent of her beauty she would also realise she is far too good for me.

Her body was a puzzle that fit so perfectly to mine.

I can't let her go.

I won't let her go.

If she leaves I will find her, and bring her home.

She belongs here and I know she is starting to realise it to. You can see certain moments where she has that small battle with herself, where she tries to fight the thoughts back, and then there's the moments where she lets it sink in. The way she sits back and considers it.

I would never force her to stay. I couldn't do that to her, she would only end up resenting me and that would be worse.

I cuddled closer to her as the smell of jasmine and almond filled my nose, lulling me to sleep.

Tonight has changed everything, maybe for the better, or maybe for the worse, but I wasn't thinking about that right now. I was thinking about how good It felt right now.

I Valentino Hart have found myself an Angel.

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