Chapter 24: after

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Valentino propped himself up once again widening my legs slightly, I let out a pained hiss "I know baby" he comforted and I let out whimper feeling sore as he slowly pulled out

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Valentino propped himself up once again widening my legs slightly, I let out a pained hiss "I know baby" he comforted and I let out whimper feeling sore as he slowly pulled out.

He pressed a light peck to my lips before rolling off me and disposing the condiment into the bin.

We laid for what felt like around half an hour my head on his chest and our legs entangled as our breathing finally relaxed.

I was exhausted and every part of my body was telling me to close my eyes and let myself drift, but I needed a pee and even more so I need to shower.

My body felt tense and I let out a sharp hiss as I sat up feeling the pain in between my legs.

"You okay?" Valentino's asked as he sat up behind me.

"Yeah, just sore" I nodded feeling shy all of a sudden.

Valentino made his way  to my side of the bed "have you not done this much?" He asks his vogue deep and husky.

Of course I have you ass.

"I have" I said as I swung my legs off onto the floor "just that" I said, the last part almost a whisper as I looked away from him.

I don't know why I suddenly feeling so shy, but I did.

He let out a deep chuckle before bringing my face back to look at him, he lent down and grazed his soft lips against mine in a gently kiss.

"Come on" he held his hands out for me to hold onto "let't get you to the bathroom".

I put my hands into his much bigger ones and i
I I the help as I stood up, I felt so sore and I was in a lot of pain but with pleasure like that pain was surely to follow.

I took a slow step forward only to end up stumping right into his firm chest.

"Steady" he chucked as he helped me regain my balance, only the same thing happened when I tried to Step again.

"You've broken my legs" I poured as I looked up at him.

"Your backs next" he loner as he pushed his lips onto mine as he picked me up, only pulling away once my legs were wrapped firmly around his strong waist.


He walked towards the bathroom setting me down on the toilet and started to run a bath adding different salts and soaps before leaving the bathroom "call me back when you've done on the toilet".

After he left I had a wee before wiping and attempting to stand up again only to fall on the floor "ow" I yelped ass my ass hit the cold tiles.

I never been in so much pain after sex, before I could let my mind wander too much Valentino bury into the bathroom pulling me up into his strong hold and lifting me into the counter "I told you to call me when your done"

A tint of pink flushed me cheeks as I looked away "I know, but I thought I would be able to" I muttered.

He let out a sigh before kissing the top of my head and waking back over to the joe full bubble bath that filled the room with a fresh scent. He turned that tap off before waking back over to me and taking me towards the large tub.

He slowly lowered me into the warm water before getting in behind me.

His warm breath Dane's agains the back of my neck sending shivers down my spine.

What is he doing to me?

His large hands snaked around my waist and to my legs  before he stared to massage my thighs realising some of the tension, it felt so good and I instantly found myself relaxing into his warm chest.

"Is that better ?" He whispers into my ear to which I nodded.

After a few minutes of kneading my thighs his hands settled around my waist and we both relaxed letting the warm bubbles envelop is in a comforting nest. The moment was too intimate for what I'm used to, but I liked it and I found myself not ready for it to end.

"Valentino?" I muttered .

He hummed in response.

"Why do you want me?" I asked sheepishly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why do you want me? You have girls swooning over you every day, girls that will always be here, I won't be hear forever. Once this mission is over I go back to my life and you stay in yours" I reminded him.

He let out a long sigh "I know" he admitted "I don't want to think about when you leave".

"Ok" I agreed

"And as for the other girls, I don't want them, they don't do to me what you do to me" he said before pulling me closer and I let my head fall back into my chest.

My muscles started to relax and when it came time ti get out of the bath I was able to hold myself up, despite still feeling sore.

I stumbled my way and sat in the bed wrapped up in a fluffy towel. Seconds later Valentino walked in and helped me dry off before pulling his shit around me.

He dried himself off and put some boxers on before locking the door and climbing into bed.

His shirt sleeves were far too long going three inches bast my hand while the bottom reached my mid thigh.

"Are you getting into bed?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

I looked back at him unsure if my next move, I could get until bed with him and open a new chapter of my life, a chapter that would be unpredictable and out of my control, and I don't know if I could handle having no control.

I could get wrapped up in my feelings and get hurt.

Or I could walk out.

And end whatever this is.

I nervously bit my bottom lip not sure of what to do.

"Your mine" his voice replayed in my head.

If I got into bed with him now it will solidify everything that happened tonight.

I would be his, but could that ever end well?

Do I want to be his?

I looked over to the door me willing my legs to take me but they didn't.


I hummed in response as I looked over to the man laid in bed with the blankets looked at his hips exposing his toned, muscular body.

"Are you coming to bed?"

I sighed before nodding, my legs now more then willing to comply as I crawled under the blankets and nestled myself next to him, Ruth my back to his chest.

I felt my eyes grow heavy and I mumbled Sind words I was sure to regret on the morning.

My eyes fluttered shut and I was pulled into a deep cocoon of blissful sleep.

A sleep to peaceful for what happens tonight as I knew I couldn't take it back.

I Chiara Moretti just made a deal with the devil.

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