Chapter 6: caught

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When I woke up my mouth was dry and there was a pounding in my head

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When I woke up my mouth was dry and there was a pounding in my head. I went to touch my head to ease the pain put I couldn't. I realised I was tied to a chair in what seemed to be some sort of basement.

What the fuck?

The walls and floor were concrete and the only form of light was the small bulb handing from the ceiling above my head.

What the hell is going on?

Just as I was about to try and get out of the chair Valentino walked in.

"Ah, your awake. Did you have a good sleep?" He asked in a cocky manner

"Fuck you!" I spat out

"There's no need for all this hostility,amore".

"Why am I in here" I asked.

"I think I should be the one asking questions here" his expression was cold "I found your phone earlier and went to your room to return it to you. When I knocked there was no answer so I decided I would leave it on your bed only to find these" he held up my documents and I felt the colour drain from my face.

"You see, I brought you here thinking you would help me, however all of these documents tell me you have been looking into me for a while. Why?"

I wasn't scared if him. I was more scared that he would kill me before I could kill him, but still I had no plan on giving up any information.

I let out a chuckle. "Your going to have to try harder then that if you want any information out of me"

"I thought you would say that" he slowly walked over to me, his eyes not leaving mine for a second.

He pulled out a knife and pushed it straight into my thigh.

I but my lip holding back a scream as my leg filled with pain and blood started dripping onto the floor.

"So Principessa, are you going to tell me why"

"Fuck you, stronzo" i responded trying to ignore the pain shooting up my leg.
(Ass hole)

This clearly angered Valentino as he struck my right cheek with his fist. Followed my more blows to my face and a hard kick to my ribs sending them chair flying back into the wall causing my head to collide with the concrete.

Happy fucking birthday to me. I wasn't one for celebrating my birthday but this definitely isn't how I planned it going.

Valentino's beating went on for the rest of the day. I passed out a few times but each time I woke it started again. I now had multiple stab wounds in each leg and one in my arm. My body felt completely numb and I imagine from all his strong hits that I was completely unrecognisable.

I wanted to cry. To scream. To beg him to let me go, but I wouldn't. I will not allow him to see me weak. I will not give him the satisfaction of knowing he was breaking me.

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