Chapter 17: move

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Apparently Valentino isn't too busy too make orders that I move into his house because I've killed a couple of his men, but he is too busy to pick up the phone and call me

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Apparently Valentino isn't too busy too make orders that I move into his house because I've killed a couple of his men, but he is too busy to pick up the phone and call me.

I know I could just as easily call him, but I'm way too stubborn for that.

He left. So it's on him to say goodbye, or to ring me and let me know what the hell was going on. Right?

I'm not going to be that girl who chases after a guy because he kissed her and made her feel wanted. I never have and I never will.

If he doesn't want me, there are plenty of guys who do. I don't have an issue in finding a man, I just have an issue with commuting to them. I have higher expectations then I really have the right to, but it it was it is. I won't settle for less. Not in this lifetime.

Or another.

I was over what has happened with the kiss and I was over him, I couldn't be upset about something that was finished before it even started, I was however pissed that he was such an ass about it.

If he wasn't feeling it, he could just say that. I'm not some naive girl who will sit and cry myself to sleep about it.

I put in my big girl pants and simply fucking got over it.

The place was more of a mansion then a house, the out side structure was beautiful, with a garden that led to a forest, I made a note to take a walk into the forest later on, and if you thought the security was high at the base, you haven't seen this place yet.

The garden had a decked floor, before leading into a grass area surrounded but different plants.

The garden further led into an area filled with trees, bushes and flowers.

The inside ceilings were high with white glossed floors and a marble stair case.

There was a room for just about everything, the same as the base there was training rooms and a pool room, and the room I had moved into here was a bigger version of the one at the base.

I didn't quite understand why I was moved in here as I had to return to the base daily anyways to complete my training, and next month I would be there even more as I would be joining Tho, Malcom and the Devil himself train the new recruits.

Apparently it's because I keep killing people, but I could literally still do that when I'm there during the day time.

I thought this guy was smart.

The past weeks been pretty fun to be fair, I did a tattoo on theo and I also did a rose one on. Elena.

I've started to get to know a lot of people that work here now and would even dare call some of them friends.

I don't like to make friends as I know how much danger I could put people in making them my friends, I have a few but they can all take care of them self so I don't need to worry about putting them in danger anytime soon.

Living here is also pretty good too, it was late and me and Elena weren't tiered so we decided to take a swim.

I like Elena the most. I've never had a girl friend before.

I wore a black bikini, and she wore a red one.

There was a light breeze but it was still pretty warm as it was only just coming to the end of summer.

We had been in the pool for around ten minuets messing around and making small talk, the pool was heated and the water felt amazing.

"Hey chi?"

"Yeah?" I asked looking back at Elena

"I kinda think I like someone, but I don't know if they like me I was just wondering...if maybe you would...try find out for me" she sounded nervous as she spoke which made me chuckle "you don't need to worry about that Elena, Theo does like you back, what you do need to worry about is telling the big bad wolf when he decides to come back" we both laughed.

"How do you know ?" She asked

I know because he asked me to do the same thing but I wasn't going to tell her that, "I just do, you can tell" which wasn't a complete lie, it was always obvious that they had a thing for each other.

I'm pretty sure they both know they like each-other, but from experience I can definitely say that this family has communication issues.

We started to get tiered and decided to call it a night.

Elena made her way to her room and I made my way to mine.

I decided to have a warm bath before I wasn't to bed.

I added bath bombs, bath salts, bubbles and I even stuck a few rose petals over the top for aesthetic purposes.

I poured myself a glass of wine and dimmed the lights before stopping and relaxing into the warm water.

I pulled my phone out and took a picture, obviously the bubbles covered my body, other then a small part of my legs.

I opened up Instagram and posted the picture.

Instagram was the only social media I had, and I never showed my face in the pictures.

I had a surprisingly large following, all people that I don't know.

My pictures consisted of things like this or tattoos.

One day I hope to have my own tattoo parlour.

I could open one now, I have the money just not really the time.

I wanted to set the shop up myself, I didn't want decorators and I didn't want someone else to run it.

So I decided that I would open it once I had found some closure in life. I knew I would never settle down and live happy family's with someone, but my life wouldn't always be so hectic.

That's when I would open my tattoo shop.

I put my phone down, taking a long sip of wine and settling back into the bubbles.

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