Chapter 42: my girl

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The past few hours had been tough,but I didn't show it nearly as much as he wanted me to, yes there was grunt and the odd muffled scream

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The past few hours had been tough,but I didn't show it nearly as much as he wanted me to, yes there was grunt and the odd muffled scream.

He had made cuts all over my body, putting salt into them and even shot my leg. il cazzo.

By now my face will be pretty bruised and I can feel blood running down my cheek bone, my cuts burned and my shot wound had a dull aching pain, the bruises weren't too bad but the cut on my cheek stung.

"I think we should move on" Iran spoke, he's voice was rough, not from power but from smoking one too many.

"I agree. I'm getting bored with this" I snickered.

"Mr Hart you are way too cocky for someone that is tied to a Chair" He stated "I was expecting much more of a fight from you" there was amusement in his tone "It seems the Devil is much less a cuddly children toy" he chuckled.

"The devil?" I raised my eyebrow.

"That is what they call you" he said to which I scoffed.

I won't lie,I'm a little offended by that.

"I'm not one for cringy nicknames, but when I get out which I will, facing the Devil will be child's play compared to what I'm going to do to you."

He let out a fake laugh.

"What makes you so sure your getting out?" He laughed harder and smell is coffee breath laced with tobacco from here.

"You don't seem to be very up to date with your facts Mr Orlov" I chuckled "oh I'm getting out."

I knew there was a very slim chance that I would get out, or how anyone would be able to find me, but the flicker of fear in his eyes was enough for me to keep up the act.

I'm not scared of death, but the past few moments had made me want to live more then I ever had, and if there was one thing I was sure of it's that If I was to die I wanted Chiara to hold my hand as I go. I wanted a proper goodbye to her, and if I don't get that I'll be in hell waiting all my days for this man to arrive, and when he does I'll torture him everyday until my love joins me once again.

It sounds mean to say that she will be joining me in hell but we all know none of us will be going to heaven, not even my Angel.

She is beauty at its finest, but her wings aren't white and pure, they're black and damaged. Her allure much more then something so boring and flat.

In a normal world, she is only a beauty slipping through the cracks and in  the underworld she was one of the most deadliest of  venom but she's my angel. She is my world.

"I think it's time for teeth" Mr Orlov says as he picks up to pliers.

Oh fuck.

I've definitely changed my mind about a proper goodbye to Chiara, I would like her to at least remember me looking somewhat attractive.

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