Chapter 16: the carters

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It had been a week since I left Italy

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It had been a week since I left Italy. I have been staying in New York with the carters.

The carters are the head of the American mafia, and I did a lot of business with the Don Felix carter.

Felix is my age, and he is stocky with dark hair.
He wasn't as big as me but he was close in power, Erica is Felix's sister and my relationship with her is more friendship rather then business.

Erica had mid length blond hair and was very slim. She was also very skilled and powerful, much like Chiara in that way.

The past week being away from Chiara made me realise that I actually don't care for her all that much.

It sounds bad. I know.

I realised that it was just a temporary fling and I put it down to the fact she was easy on they eyes. She was however being a pain in my ass. I spoke to Theo earlier who informed me that she has killed a total of 11 men from the base in the past week all because they were 'rude to her'.

As much as I didn't like it I've decided to have her moved into the guest bedroom of my house, where Elena and Angelo also live.

I knew she would be a bigger pain in my ass living there but I can't have her killing my men and she seems to get along well with my siblings.

I was in New York as I had some business to attend to with Felix.

I made an alliance with the Carters a couple of months ago and Felix needed my help with something to do with his drug supply.

It was simple and had no danger involved, which is why only I came, it was however time consuming.

"He won't talk" Felix let out an annoyed huff as he entered the room.

Felix had problem with a rat in his crew and an hour ago it came to light who the rat was, only he wouldn't give Felix any information.

"You've been down there for an hour and you haven't got anything out of him?" I asked keeping a stern expression, though it did humour me that he couldn't get him to talk.

"Brother dearest and Aidan were good friends so I think he's having trouble going too hard of him" Erica joked, to which Felix just showed her his middle finger causing me to chuckle.

Felix and I only talked on business terms but we got along fine.

He was much more friendly then me and seemed to have no bother admitting his softer spots for the people he care for, however if you got on his bad side he was sure to show you just how ruthless he can be.

"Would you like me to go down?" I offered

Felix let out a sigh "go for it"

I stood up and walked to the basement.

After locating the room I walked in to see the man tied to a chair, his face was bloody and bruised but no major damage had been done, no wonder this guy hasn't been talking.

"Who are you?" He asked, his expression was calm and I was surely about to change that.

"Valentino hart" I noticed his eyes widen as I pulled of my blazer placing it onto the table.

"So Aidan, let me tell you how this is going to go" I said while picking a cleaver off the table.

"I am going to ask you some questions and you are going to answer them, for every lie you tell, or every question you refuse to answer I will take a finger comprendere?"

He looked at me with a blank expression. I couldn't work out if he wasn't talking because he was stubborn of if he realised that I include what I just said as a question.

"Very well" I shrugged as I took a step forward and brought the cleaver down taking his pinky finger off.

He let out a loud scream and began to shake.

After a few moments he stopped screaming.

"What is your real name?" I asked

"L-leo m-Moore" he stuttered

"Who do you work for Leo?" I asked further.

Leo sat there silent.

"Very well" I took a step forward and as I was about to bring the cleaner down he began shouting "no,no please don't! I work for Iran Orlov" Tears rolled down his cheeks and you could hear the fear in his voice.

"What does he want?"

Leo sat there in silent once again. I didn't like that.

I brought up the cleaver and he started to shout in feeling me he will answer the question, I ignored his please and decided to take his whole hand off, he began to shreik and sob in pain.

Minuets passed before he quietens, still sobbing but no longer screaming.

"Let me tell you something about myself, I don't like to waste my time, so next time you hesitate I'd sit there in silence the rest of your arm will be gone"

"He wants- me to find out any- information on missions- and- and he wanted to know wearhouse locations- for- for stock" he blubbered out in between sobs

"See, wasn't too hard was it" I chuckled as I left the room.

I explained to Felix what had been said.

Without giving Felix too much information I explained we are also having so what troubles with the Russians and are planning on taking them down. I offered him in on it which he gladly excepted and will be returning with me once we have finished over here.

My business with Felix and Erica was private, yet frequent. I usually assisted Felix in big mission but I had also been working along side Erica for a few months in helping her find a man named Luca Barzini. It was a name I have never  heard of before but Erica informed me that she has heard of him a while ago, she wanted to make a proposal that he join their mafia, but apparently he was a very hard man to find, she informed me that he was very smart and this proved to be correct as we had been in search for this man for months.

"How did you hear about him?" I asked

Erica let out a sigh "Felix used to be very close with someone who Luca worked with at the time, I'm not sure if they still work together or not but Luca was what you could call a Secret weapon of theirs"

"Who, we can find them and get the information that way"

Erica sighed again "Felix is very close with this person and as much as I would like to I'm not to tell anyone anything about them, or talk to them unless they come to me" she tapped her fingers on the table.

It would be a lie if I said I wasn't interested, because I would sure like to meet the person that has Felix carter wrapped around their finger.

"Have you asked Felix to ask them?" I asked

"He won't. As far as I know Felix rarely still speaks to them. I don't know how to explain this person to you Val, so secretive and meticulous, but Felix saw another side to it all" she admitted.

The further she explained the more intrigued I became. Erica explained that Felix never found out what they were up to but they had formed a close bind and he had a lot of care for them. Felix wanted Luca too but he himself couldn't find him, Erica said that Felix wouldn't ask about Luca when they spoke because of how rare they spoke, apparently he didn't want to make it about business.

"Why do you want this Luca so bad?"

"I need him to help me find information on someone" she shifted uncomfortably in her seat which was enough to tell me she didn't want to go into further detail, so I didn't push.

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