Chapter 2

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"My sweetheart, you have grown up in such a lovely way and you are stunning!

" Thank you so much, Auntie! I appreciate it! " Michaela received a tight embrace from me as I spoke.

"Come have a meal, and then you can unpack your belongings."

"No, no, thank you, but I don't feel hungry. Please give me a glass of cool water though. I'm so thirsty! "

"Sure, honey! Just a second!"

"Would you like me to give you a tour of your room? " Raul whispered in my ear after his mother has left.

"Not at all. " I remarked as I took a step back, "I'm sure your mother will show it to me! "

"Why, babe? Are you scared?" he smirked.

"No!" I chuckled cynically as I said. "Thank you, auntie!" I grabbed the glass and almost swallowed the entire contents without breathing.

"Raul, sweetie, why didn't you get the girl a drink? " she scolded him.

"She didn't mention that she was so thirsty, so...But don't worry, I'll take her out later!" He grinned by glancing at me.

"Ok! Now take Bella to her room please!"

He glanced at me with a naughty look when he heard that.

"No, auntie, please!"I almost screamed."Where is Selena or Anne, they can show me my room as well!"I prayed to don't let me alone with this maniac.

"I'm sorry, honey, but Selena is with her boyfriend on holiday, and Anne left at  her good friend's, but she will be back later."

"See? You can't get rid of me!" he winked.

Without uttering another word, I picked up my luggage and went after him. 

He had led me into a spacious, spotless room, but something seemed off. 

Raul's colognes and deodorants were in the cabinet, and a hanger with an ironed shirt was hanging from the handle of the closet,  indicating that he was getting ready to go somewhere. 

I whirled around and struck his enormous chest.

"What the fuck is this?"I whispered scared.

"Your room, beauty! You're gonna sleep with me!" he smirked.

"No fucking way! Are you crazy? I would better die!" I almost yelled.

"Why, baby? Are you scared of something?" he said and this time his voice was low and deep.

He approached me, forcing me to take a step backward till I landed on his bed.

"Raul, please stop!"I whispered, my eyes wide with fear.

He ignored me and just came over to me starting to kiss my neck.

"Let me show you now how grown up I am, baby!" he whispered aroused going down to my breasts.

"Let me go, Raul, please! "I struggled without success. "I swear I will scream as loud as I can!"

"Come on, scream! "He said, now looking deep into my eyes.

I opened my mouth to start screaming, but the next second he covered my mouth with his palm. I could already imagine being raped, my heart was pounding and I think he noticed.

"Your heart beats like hell!" He said laughing. "If you promise not to scream, I'll let you go, okay?"

I nodded and then he stepped back and released me.

"Is this maturity? You are more of a child than an actual child!" I said, fixing my hair and clothes." Now take me to my room, please, I would like to rest! "

"Well, I told you you will sleep with me! "

"Raul, you're pissing me off! "

"Chill, babe! I was just joking with you!" he said and left the room.

After unpacking, I laid down on the bed, where I fell asleep until a loud squeak woke me up.

"Bella, my love! "Anne jumped on the bed next to me, kissing and hugging me.

"Wow, what time is it? "I asked still sleepy.

"Almost 9!"

"Fuck, I slept so long! Oh my...but you look stunning, babe!"I said by studying her. She was looking just like her brother. Slender, long black hair, beautiful tanned skin, big black eyes, long eyelashes and she was tall, a little smaller than Raul, but taller than me.

"Thanks, babe! You're gorgeous too, Bella!For real!"

"Thank you! I missed you a lot!"I said and I hugged her.

"Me too, babe! Would you like to go out and grab some food? I'm starving."

"Yeah!Me too!"

"Ok! Then get ready and let's go!"

I put a steamy dress on me, a pair of heelless sandals, I tied my hair in a careless bun, I applied a little foundation, mascara, and straw and I was ready.

After we ate, we took a little walk around the city. I was so happy to see again the city that I had missed so much and had never seen for so many years. We took pictures on the river shore lit by the lights that the town hall installed on the bridge. We just had passed a club, where the sounds of an oriental song could be heard. I don't know what happened to me, but I started to walk by dancing with my hands up when suddenly we heard whistles behind us. When we turned our heads, Raul and some of his friends were leaning against the club wall, smoking.

"I hope you didn't whistle at me, because it would be disgusting! "Anne said with a laugh.

"Don't worry, sis! You're not the one I whistle!"Raul said and took a puff of the cigarette, staring at me."What are you doing, don't you want to join us?"

"I don't know! Bella, what do you think?"

"I don't think I wear the right clothes for the club, Anne!"I said by looking at my dress.

"You are fine, however!" he smirked.

"We should better leave, babe!"I said to Anne by looking at Raul.

"Come on, beauty! I will buy you a drink!" he winked.

I laughed.

"I don't think so! This is not an invitation, first of all, you didn't even invite me, we just met by chance!"

"Okkkk!Don't you dare to reject me when I will ask you out'll see what I'm gonna do to you!" he said by throwing the cigarette mug.

I bit my low lip.

"Come on, Bella! A few minutes ago you were dancing on the road! Isn't that why you came here? To have fun? Come on, here are Mario and Louis too. Do you remember them? I don't think so! You were little! "

"Of course, I remember them! How could I forget them? They're your cousins, aren't they?"


"Hello, Bella! You haven't been visiting us in a long time, are you upset?" Louis asked.

"Well, you weren't very friendly with me, so ... kind of! "

"And now, what made you come back?" Raul asked, with a seductive look.

"Honestly, I missed your sisters!"

"Are you sure that's all? "

"Very sure!"I said and winked at him.

"Hmph! Yeah, of course!" He snorted with an ironic laugh.

"Let's go, please, Anne! We're going out another time, now I am not in the mood!"

"Okay, however you like!" she said, and we went home as soon as we said goodbye to the boys.

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