Chapter 11

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Bella pov

I left his arms and started to swim.

"You are so beautiful, Bella! I'm so sorry I hurt you, baby!" he said softly, but I didn't answer. I felt like crying but I tried not to so he wouldn't see how fucked up I was because of him."Look what shit guest I am!" he said and got out of the water. When he came back he carried two glasses of the cocktail. I got out of the water as well and took one glass. I was drinking by looking în his eyes. He turned me around and put the necklace, he gave me two years ago, on my neck kissing it. Then he turned me back and put the ring on my finger.

"These are yours, baby! Please, say something!" he said when he noticed I won't say a word.

"I'm sorry, Raul, but I don't want to be a burden for you! Like, I don't want you to feel like a bodyguard when we go somewhere! You were right! I don't belong in your world!"I said by getting dressed and l left. He didn't try to stop me. He knew, so did I, that even if I didn't want to see him anymore, I had to, because I worked for him. He hadn't tried anything, but I could see him looking after me every time I passed him, and I often caught him smiling wryly when I looked at him. A month had already passed and I was praying to finish as soon as possible so that I would no longer be around him because I had already begun to get crazy.
We had all taken a break and sat down on the sunbeds drinking cold tea. I did my best not to look at him, but I could see Raul out of the corner of my eye looking me up and down like he was thinking of something.

“Bella, can you help me with something?” he asked, getting up and walking into the house.

“Sorry?” I asked, not knowing what he meant.

"Come with me, please!" he shouted behind him.

When I went inside, Raul was nowhere.


"Up here!" he shouted.

I went upstairs and came across his bedroom. He was lying on the bed half naked with his forearm covering his eyes.

"No! No, Raul, no!" I said and wanted to leave the room, but he jumped out of bed, grabbed my arm, and held me in his arms, kissing my neck.

"It's hard for me to have you by my side, but not to touch you, Bella!" he whispered in my ear." I know it is for you too!"

"It's not!"I lied." It's not, Raul because I've already passed over! I'm sorry you didn't!" I said, but I could feel myself melting slightly in his arms.

"Awwww, what a little liar you are, Bella! Then why did you have goosebumps?"He asked in a whisper.

He started kissing my neck and shoulders, holding me tight.

"Please let me go!" I said and I felt I couldn't stand it anymore." Please, Raul, don't do this to me!"

"God, you smell so good!"He whispered ignoring me. "I fucking want you so much, baby!"

He stroked my breasts, going lower and lower and I felt myself suffocate when she reached between my thighs and let out a groan.

"That's it, baby! That's my girl!"He smirked.

"Let me turn around!" I said breathing jerkily. "I want to talk to you! Please! "He let me. "I'm not your girl anymore, Raul, please understand!"

"Ohh, my silly baby, you'll be my girl until I die!" He said and leaned down to kiss me, but I pulled away.

"No, Raul! I'm sorry, but we're done! I have someone else! And he's from my world!" I lied. I couldn't love anyone else as long as I saw him everywhere I looked.

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