Chapter 5

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"You can't hold me captive, Raul! It's not fair!" I said crying.

"But no one is holding you captive, my dear!" He said, closing his pants zipper."You may go where ever you want, but you have to come back to me and you're not allowed to tell anyone what I told you or that I touched you, understand?"

"But you told me not to leave!" I said, covering my bare breasts.

"You will leave, but not now! You're going to make your parents suspicious. Now go and get dressed! And don't say a word to anyone, okay? Otherwise ... "he hissed and he gave me one of those looks which made me shiver.

I ran to my room, locking the door. How can a man change his personality in a few minutes? For a moment I thought that Raul has changed, but he was the same bastard, even worse, he had become a loan shark. That means he's spending his time with dangerous people. And the worst thing was that his family had no idea what he was doing. I had to do something to get out of here, but I had a strange feeling that I hadn't met before. I knew Raul was one of the bad guys, but I was attracted to his wickedness. His gaze and smile were driving me crazy, and when he was touching me he sent shivers all over my body. "No, no, no! No, Bella, no! Earlier you were about to get raped by him! Maybe you would have liked it too! Aaaahh!" My heart was fighting with my mind and I felt like I was about to get mad.

"Bella! "I heard Anne knocking on the door. I opened it quickly. "For God's sake, why are you locking your door with the key? Who's gonna eat you? "

"Your brother!" I said in my mind.

"Did my brother does anything to you? "She asked worriedly.

"No no!" I lied. "It's just ... I don't know honestly. But why do you ask me if he did anything to me?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well, I know that when he wants somebody he's kind of crazy... but otherwise, he is a good boy!"

"And do you think he wants me? "

"Bella, my love! I can see it from a long distance, how he looks at you! I'm surprised that he hasn't been telling you anything naughty until now."

"No, it was ok! We went out and that's it!" I lied, remembering what happened today. "I don't even know where he is now."

"I know! "she said and winked. "He's at that club where we met with him last time.  What do you say? Are we going over him?"

"No, no, no," I said quickly. "I'm very tired."

"Come on, Bella, leave me alone with these crying! That's what you said last time as well. Come on, get out of the bed,  put on the sexiest dress you have, and let's go!"

"May I tell you something, Anne! Promise me you won't tell anyone! I'm afraid of him!" she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Why? "Then I told her everything, except the part where her brother is a loan shark.

"And do you know what the biggest problem is? I liked it too! But something holds me back!" I said with a sigh.

"Do you know something? Let's don't talk about Raul, damn it, let's go and have fun! What do you say? Come on, my beautiful girl!"

I wore a short leather dress with a deep neckline and some ankle boots with thick heels. I waved my hair and left it free. I did foxy eyes make-up with nude lips, I took a deep breath and I left my room.

"Wow, bad bitch in the house!"  she laughed."You are hot just like the fire from this lighter!" she said and took a cigarette.

"Thank you!"I smiled.

When we got there we could see Raul, Anne's boyfriend, and another guy out smoking.

"Holly fffuck!" I heard Raul swearing when he saw me.

"Hello, boys!" Anne said and kissed her boyfriend.

"Hello, boys!"I said too.

"That's all? Won't you gonna kiss me, baby?" Raul smirked.

I nodded praying for him to stop.

"Oh, you are so bad,  kitten!"

"Guys, I have a joint!  What do you say? Are you in?"Anne said by taking out a cigarette from her purse.

"Light it and give Bella the first smoke!"Raul said giving me an intense look.

"No,  thanks! I don't smoke!"I murmured.

"You do now!"  he smirked.

I grabbed the joint and inhaled the toxic weed,  but I choked. The second one I held inside and after a few seconds I left it out. I got high. But I felt so relaxed. After we finished we all went inside where we took some drinks and sat on a couch in a private booth rented by Raul, who was standing in front of me and not losing sight of me. From the speakers, I could hear a song which was about bad guys and money. I saw Raul smirking at me and I knew the song was fitting him.

"Let's dance!"Anne said and she grabbed my arm and pulled me up the couch.

The joint seemed to give me more courage, so I began to wave my hips seductively, biting my lip. Raul was hungrily staring at me from head to toe and at one point he pulled my hand guiding me to sit on his lap, him facing my back and whispered lightly in my ear with a voice that turned me on.

"You are the boss of my money, baby, but beyond them, we can be Gods together! Just be mine!"

I laughed, resting my head on his shoulder. I liked the feeling I felt and seemed to have forgotten everything that had happened before. I looked around and saw that everybody was gone by magic. I turned around to straddle him and began to kiss him tightly, rubbing against his hard cock. I tried to get up because I felt dizzy, but he grabbed my arm, lifting my dress.

He unbuttoned his jeans and took out his hard toy and then pulled me back on his lap grabbing my ass and getting inside my wet pussy, controlling my moves. I don't remember ever feeling so good since I started having sex. It was like the sensations were 10 times stronger. He kissed my neck and breasts moaning loudly and squeezing my buttocks with pleasure. I came screaming and arching my back, my reaction caused him to cum too on my dress. I got off of him feeling weak and cleaned my dress without saying a word, angry that I couldn't fight my sexual attraction to him because of a drug.

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