Chapter 6

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I had a severe headache when I woke up the following morning. 
I believe I drank half a bottle of water while not breathing because my throat and mouth felt dry. 
I can't recall how I got home. 
All I can recall is that the lads had left, and Anne and I had chosen to leave as well, but I could hardly stand. 
With Anne's assistance, I made my way outside. She informed me that she was going to her boyfriend's place and queried whether it was okay for me to take a taxi. What happened next...I can't remember a thing.

After taking a shower to relax, I saw a note that read, "To be continued!" on the nightstand. Although I was unsure of the author's identity, I had a suspicion after vaguely recalling the previous evening. I folded it up before throwing it away. My luggage was packed. I was resolved to get out of there and away from him. Nothing could be done because he had turned me into his toy. I couldn't imagine having a happy life with him. 
And what else is there to appreciate about him? I'm unsure. But I adored him. 
God, I had such a strong love for him. I don't remember what time it was when I woke up in an unfamiliar room. At the foot of the bed, there was a white leather recliner, and I could see Raul seated in it.

"What's happening?" I asked him while trying to glance around,  but I was unable to do so because of how heavy my head felt. "Where am I?"He raised an eyebrow at me but didn't respond."WHAT'S HAPPENING, RAUL?"I yelled, but he just stared at me. He lunged at me, grabbed my neck, and forced me against the wall as I tried to flee through the door.

"What's happening? I'll let you know what's happening, my beautiful Bella!" He spat the words. "I believe I advised you not to try any tricks! You will now be locked up in this room until you start listening!" He replied before giving me a forceful kiss.

"MMMMM, LEAVE ME ALONE! You are crazy, you fucking bastard! Where am I?"

"In my apartment!"

"You can't keep me here! You will make everyone suspicious! Your parents will ask about me!"

" I already told them you left! "He said and set me free.

"And what will you tell my family? You can't lie to them, Raul! They know I only had to stay with you for a week, they're not stupid!"

"Don't worry, baby. I can handle them! "He winked". Now we can have fun without being interrupted by anyone!"

"Maybe I don't want to have fun with you!" I said disgustedly.

"Well said 'maybe'! I saw you last night when you broke your pussy in my dick!" He said raising his eyebrow.

"Where are you going?  You can't leave me here alone! "I exclaimed desperately when he began to walk towards the door.

"You won't be alone, baby!" he said, and then one of his gorillas entered the door.

"You can't leave me here alone, Raul, I'm begging you!" I said, trying to run after him, but I was taken up by that filthy man and thrown on the bed.

"Be good, Bella! The man has a free hand to do anything to you if you try something!" he shouted after he was leaving.

I began to cry out loud. How could he do such a thing?

"May I go to the bathroom?" I asked the filthy man after calming down.

He opened the door and motioned for me to move, then followed me.

"You are not going to come with me, aren't you? Don't worry, I'm not going to run away!"

"Orders are orders, miss! "he said and crossed his arms over his chest.

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