Chapter 7

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"My plan was shit. Now, how will I escape from here?"I was thinking. God, how stupid I was to go there to Raul's house. Couldn't I just stay at home for the holiday? Maybe I could go to the sea or something. Now I am the prisoner of this fucking bastard. A hot fucking bastard who's driving crazy. I don't know how long it passed, but that filthy man woke up, and when he saw me like that he laughed.

"So you are still here, hah?"

"Mind your business, will you?"I said angrily. By the way, that asshole wants you to call him."

He went out of the room and I could hear him talking on the phone. After he was done he came back and sat on the armchair.

"Will you untie me?"I tried."My arms hurt so bad."

"Do you think I'm stupid or something? You tricked me once! You won't do that anymore!"

"At least waken my ties!"

"I'm sorry, miss, but no!"

A few days had passed. Raul hadn't come to the apartment and I was kind of missing him. During those days when I was here, having nothing to do, I began to realize that I liked it when he was so rough when he was kissing me. When he was touching me, he was making me tremble, but not out of fear. Maybe that's why I was loving to play with him and annoying him. He ordered his gorillas to untie me, but the door had to be permanently locked with the key, and I should not leave the room, except to go to the bathroom guarded non-stop. From time to time another man was coming to take the other one's place, a guy named John. He was a jerk and I often caught him looking at me while taking a shower or changing my clothes.

"Mr. Raul called! He said call your parents, but don't tell them anything or you'll be în trouble."

"Ok! Hello?"

"How are you, my dear? You haven't called us for a long time! Is everything all right?"

"Yes, mom! Don't worry! I've extended my vacation!"

"But I thought you can't stand Raul!"

"He's changed, mom and I think I'll stay with them for a while."

"With them or with him? ”she laughed.

"Come on, mom!"

I wanted to tell her that the love I feel for him hurts because he doesn't deserve it.

"Okay, babe! Take care of yourself! I love you. "

"Me too, mom!" I said and I hugged up. Isn't Raul coming here anymore?"I asked handing the phone to him

"Why do you ask me? Do you miss him?" he said with a wicked smile.

I did, 't answer him. I just played on the bed and tried to sleep.

I already felt like I was going crazy locked in this house. I didn't even know what day it was. I needed to get out, but how could I? I remembered that I had hairpins in my hair and I tried to open the door with them, but unsuccessfully, when I came out John was in front of the door. He had taken everything from my room, that I could use.

"You may leave now!"I heard the voice which I missed so much.

My heart trembled when I heard the key in the yale, but I was pretending to sleep so that he wouldn't see the happiness in my eyes when I was going to see him. I heard him sit in the armchair, but I didn't move.

"John called me and told me that you were a bad girl again, Bella!"I looked at him scared. He was resting his head on the back of the armchair and looked at me through his eyelashes."Get up!" he sighed.

"Why?"I asked him scared.

"Get up, Bella! Don't make me come to get you up, because you won't like it!"I immediately got up, not wanting to get him angry."Why are you a naughty girl, Bella? I was such a good guy and I let you untied, but I can see you don't like it because you don't want to behave yourself!"

He came behind me and wrapped my waist kissing my neck. He took off my bra and now I wore only my boxers.

"I have to punish you!" he whispered in my ear.

With a hand, he grabbed one of my tits squizzing it and playing with the nipple, and with the other hand, he slid inside my boxers. He smirked when he saw how wet I was.

"I can see you missed me, baby!" he said and bit my ear softly.

I was shivering and I wanted him so much, but I couldn't let him know.

"Please, Raul! Leave me alone!"I murmured.

"I told you that if you won't be a good girl I will destroy you and I can see that's what you want because you're not doing as I say!" he was now rubbing between my folds sliding his index inside of me.

I was deep breathing.

"I hate you!"I spat the words.

Suddenly he pushed me against the wall.

"Why the fuck are you getting wet when I touch you if you hate me, bitch? You love it hard, don't you? You love bad boys!" he began to kiss me rough with his tongue.

He pulled me up making me throw my legs around him and he started to rub his hard dick against my wet pussy, driving me crazy. Without realizing I grabbed his neck and pulled him closer to me.

"Please, Raul!"I moaned breathlessly.

"Not yet, babe! I have to punish you!" he let me down."In your knees, now!" he unbutton his pants pushing me down "Now, suck my dick!"

I listen to him. I grabbed his toy and I wrapped my lips around it rubbing the length with my hand.

"Ohhh, fuck, that's it, baby! Shit, you are so good!" he moaned seductively turning me on even more.

He pulled me up when he felt he was about to come and guided me on the armchair making me stay in a doggy style.

"That's it! See? You can be a good girl when you want!" he said and he got inside me pumping as if his life depended on it slapping my butt. I let a loud moan out and when he heard it he started pumping even harder.

"You like it, don't you? Now you don't want me to leave you alone anymore!"He said and bit the skin from my neck by continuing to pump rough and hard until he felt me come hard drowning his cock with my juices.

He took it out of me rubbing it and then fixed it against my asshole pushing it hard.

"Ahh,fuckk!" I gasped in pain.

"This is because you didn't listen to me!" he smirked and started to move in and out until I adjusted on him then grabbed my butt and fucked me rough. When he felt he was going to come took his toy out and came on my ass.

We both were sweating so he told me to take a shower and he did the same but not before locking the door.

"I'm going to bed, Bella!" he said softly and walked to the door.

"Wait!"I grabbed his arm."Wait, baby! Please don't leave me alone!"I asked him and he smirked."I...I can't pretend that I hate you anymore, because I don't! I love you since we were kids, Raul!"

He softly held my face with his palms and looked me in eyes and then he kissed me.

"So you just needed a punishment to tell me that!" he said and played me on the bed.

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