Chapter 9

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I still wore that underwear when I woke up at about 5 pm and I was alone again. I ran quickly to the door to check it and I found it unlocked. Then I checked the whole apartment to see if is someone with me but I was all alone and the whole door was unlocked even the exit one. I was thinking to run away, but I changed my mind and I just went to the living room where I found a huge red roses bouquet with a note and a little box with a white gold necklace. I read the note which said "For the sexiest fairy. I love you, baby!"I smiled. Next to those was my phone as well with another note saying "Call me when you wake up!"I did as he said.

"Hey, beautiful!" a voice that melted me from inside answered.

"Hey! How are you?"I asked softly.

"I'm ok, baby! I'm out with some business! How are you? Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did!"

"Look,  baby! Go to the nightstand!  You will find some money there! Go out and buy something nice! I'm gonna take you with me tonight to my friend's wedding!"

"Aren't you afraid I will run?"I giggled.

"No, babe!Because I know you won't!You are too in love with me to do that! But if you will though,  I think you know what will happen, sweetie!"  he smiled.

He was right. I didn't know what he had done to me but even if I ran away I couldn't stay long without him.

"Ok, babe! I will be done in a few and I will see you later, ok?"

"Ok, kisses!"

"Kisses?" he laughed."I love you, baby girl!"

"I love you too!"I said out of breath.

What the heck was he doing to me? This guy was driving me crazy.

I changed my clothes and went to the city Mall where I found a long dark green dress and some silver high heels. I went to the saloon as well and I got my make-up, hair, and nails done. When I arrived home Raul was in the living room half naked leaning on one elbow on the couch checking his phone.  I looked at him up and down smiling because I found him so hot.

He smirked without looking at me back.

"So, you didn't run!"  he asked me and I giggled."This is my princess!"   he bit his sexy lips when he finally saw me.

"You should see me when I'm all done, babe!"I said by sitting next to him on the couch and kissing him He bit my lip pulling me closer."I deeply sighed when he let me go."It's so hot in here!"I murmured by waving my hand making him laugh.

"So you found the necklace!  Do you like it?"

"Yes!" I rubbed the pendant." Thank you so much and for the roses too!"

"Don't thank me! You deserve them! Even more, sweetheart! But you will get more on time!   Ohh, by the way,  I almost forgot! This is for you as well!"  he gave me another little box.

"Raul, you don't have to buy me things, because..."I muttered when I saw that it was a gorgeous diamond ring. He took my hand and placed it on my finger.

"This is to let everyone know that you are taken, babe!" he carried my face and softly kissed me.

Was time to go so we took a shower and got ready for the party.

"Babe, will you come to help me with something!"Raul shouted from the bathroom.

"Even if I want to I can't, my love!  I will ruin my hair and makeup!"I laughed.

"I just wanted you to wash my back, you little perv!"  he laughed back.

"Yeah, right!"

He froze when he came back and saw me only in stockings and a bikini.

"Fuck, Bella, you're perfect just like that!" he hold my waist from behind and kissed my neck. I saw him naked so many times but every time he was able to send shivers between my thighs.

"Stop it, Raul!"I said out of breath causing him to laugh."Will you help me with my dress, babe?"

I was looking at myself in the mirror, or I was looking at HIM. He saw me staring and winked at me while buttoning his shirt making me move my eyes from him blushing. I saw him out of the corner of my eye and he refrained from laughing by shaking his head. How could a man look so good that he was able to let me be speechless?

"Are you ready, baby?" he asked me after a while.

"Yes!"I answered while putting on the last shoe. I took my purse and left.

I swear I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He turned on the music and he was moving his head on its rhythm singing. He laughed when he saw me staring and touching my thigh.

"What's wrong, baby? Do I have something on my face?"

"No!  You're just...perfect!"I blushed looking away from him. He laughed.

"You're so cute when you're blushing, baby girl!"He said and touched me between my legs.

"Stop it or we won't go anywhere!"

When we arrived he parked the car and then he opened my side door helping me to get out.  We got into the restaurant side by side where I could see a lot of weird faces and soon I regretted coming there. I think the groom was another loan shark or a shady just like Raul.

"Why you didn't tell me what kind of wedding is it, babe?"I asked him scared when I saw that a lot of men were staring at me in a wicked way.

"Don't be scared, baby!    No one will touch you as long as you are with me!" he said and he guided me to a table where we sat.

He had a good time because he was used to that kind of people, but I didn't. After a while, he went out to smoke and I wanted to go after him but when I got close to the exit door a fatty man stopped me cutting my way out.

"Hey, you sexy thing! Where's your pimp? Tell me your price, babe!"

"Excuse me? Your mom has a pimp not me, ok?"I said angrily.

"You bitch!", He grabbed my arm and wanted to hit me, but right then Raul showed up and I could see he was so damn furious. That shit let me go and I run next to him shaking.

"Bella, what's wrong?"He asked me but he was looking at that man.

"So, you are her pimp!"

"Is your name Bella?" he asked him raising an eyebrow.

"I...I saw you going out and I wanted to come after you, but this asshole just approached me. He thinks I'm a whore."

"Who's an asshole, you bitch?" that shit asked and tried to hit me again but the next second Raul took out a gun from behind his pants threatening him. I was shocked.

"Baby, please! It's ok! You don't have to do that, love, he doesn't deserve it!"I started to cry.

"Shut up, Bella! No one is allowed to disrespect you as long as you are mine!"

"We should leave, baby, please!"I kissed him trying to make him calm down.

He put the gun back, grabbed my hand and we went to the car. None of us said a word for a while.

"Bella?" he broke the silence."This is the world I live in every day and I think you are too good for this world! I'm sorry! You may go home tomorrow! We can't continue like this!" he said but I couldn't hear him anymore because of the pain in my heart.

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