Chapter 10

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Raul pov.

The look in Bella's eyes, when I told her our relationship was done, broke my heart into thousands of pieces but I couldn't risk her being hurt or possibly worse, because I was who I was. I was part of the underworld and even if I wanted to get out of this world, I couldn't. Not yet, at least. She didn't look at me. She didn't even try to ask for explanations. But I couldn't look at her either. If I would look at her I couldn't let her go. I loved her too much. When I got to the apartment, she jumped out of the car and ran into the building."Fuck!"I swear and hit the steering wheel.  I wanted to go after her, but I changed my mind so I went back to the wedding. I got into the restaurant feeling so angry and went straight to the table of that sucker. I grabbed his collar and started to punch his face with my whole force until I felt someone pulling me away from him and telling me to calm down. That fat belly was gone so I sat down at the table and told the waiter to bring me a bottle of Jack Daniel's, which I drank whole.

"You can't drive like this! You're messed up!" my friend told me when I wanted to leave.

"I will be ok, bro! Don't worry!" I bearly said and speedily drove to the apartment hoping Bella was not gone yet, but she was.  I only found the ring and the necklace on the table."Forgive me, my love!" I said and kissed them with tears forming in my eyes.

Bella pov

I left before Raul came back. I didn't want to see him anymore,  because he fucked me up.  I was lucky that I got the 5 am bus and I could leave as quickly as possible away from him. I was feeling like a zombie like I wasn't alive.

Time was passing and I tried to forget about him by getting y with anything.  I found a job at a company as an assistant, I went to the gym and I got my driving license.

I got used to living without him if I can say it like that, but even after 2 years, I was still thinking of him.  I got a call from my boss telling me that I have to meet him at a young 24 years old guy's house.  He wanted to build a gym in the back yard and he needed me to show him the sketches. When I got there I took the notebook and went inside. My boss was waiting for me in the backyard with that man who was in the pool. I couldn't see his face, but his neck and arms tattoos...I could never forget it. He turned to look who came and my suspicions had been confirmed.

He looked at me with eyes wide open.

"Good afternoon!"I said softly because my voice was struggling and I noticed I was shivering.

"Good afternoon,  Bella!" my boss answered.

"Good afternoon, Bella!" he said as well staring at me and I could see he was as shocked as I was.

His eyes were shining and had goosebumps on his skin but I knew it wasn't from the water. He came out of the pool with water drops falling down his sexy body and came to me raising his hand for handshaking. I did the same and when I touched him I felt chills all over my body, but instead of shaking hands, he grabbed mine and kissed it looking in my eyes."Fuck, how much I missed him!"I was thinking to melt under his look.

"Bella,  please do the calculations for the materials and show to Mr.Raul the catalog and the sketches so he will have an idea, ok?  I have to leave because I have something I urgently have to do!"

"Ok,  sir!"I said and turned to my notebook.

I saw him from the corner of my eye coming closer to me when my boss left, but I pretend not to see him. I wanted to explain the process,  but he took my notebook away from my hands.

"Leave this!" he said and put it on the sunbed.  My heart was pounding out of my chest when he tried to kiss me but I turned my head.

"Raul, for two years I tried to forget you!   Two fucking years took me to get better and now you appear in my life again and destroy everything I've done."I said without looking at him.

He raised my chin and tried to kiss me again, but this time I didn't stop him. He took my clothes off and raised me in his arms making me throw my legs around his waist taking me inside the pool. He leaned my back against the edge of it, took his hard cock out of his shorts, and pushed it rough inside me pumping jerkily and biting my neck.  I was melting in his dick and I realized that I missed his touches so much that I couldn't stop him from fucking me.    I came hard after a few moves moaning his name so loud and it was so good to release. He stopped when he came too inside me.

Raul pov

I was in the pool waiting for the assistant from the company to get done the papers and to be able to start building the gym already. When I turned my head and saw that miss who walked in my backyard, was Bella, I got blocked.    She was sexy as always, but a little bit slimmer than I remembered. Her boss left so I had the opportunity to touch the woman I missed so bad.  She stepped back first, but I smiled from inside when I saw that she was still shivering under my touch so I tried again.   I was happy when I saw she was so ready for me when I took her to the pool and got in her.   I felt her come quickly, but I wanted to stay long in her sweet inside.  I couldn't take long and I also came without realizing I was still in her when I did that. She didn't say anything,  but instead, she was squizzing me harder between her legs.

"I thought I will die without you, my love!"I said and kissed her.

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