Chapter 15

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I was so tired I didn't even hear my little boy come into my room.

"Mommy!Mommy!" he shook me a little so I woke up.

"Yes, baby?"I asked sleepily.

"What is daddy doing here, mommy?"

I looked at Raul who was still sleeping.

"Well, baby!"I tried to think about what to tell him."Go to the kitchen and wait for me. Mommy will be there in a few, ok?"I said while kissing his cheek.

"Ok, mommy!" he said and left.

I went to the bathroom to get ready. When I went out Raul was still sleeping so I decided not to wake him up. I went to the kitchen and I found my son sitting at the table waiting for me.

"So, what is daddy doing here?"He asked me while I was cooking breakfast.

"Well...Daddy's car broke last night so he came over because he didn't have where to go!"I lied.

"Ok, mommy! But why he was sleeping in your bed?" he asked like he wouldn't understand the situation.

"Hmmm! I let him sleep with me because you know our couch isn't very comfortable!"I said while placing the eggs and bacon on a plate placing it in front of him so he could eat."Now eat your food, baby!"I said kissing his hair.

"Mommy?" he asked me while chewing his food."Do you still love dad?"

I waited for a little until I could answer him.

"Yes,  baby! I still love him!"

"Then why can not move with him so we can live together?"


"Well, that's a great idea,  kiddo!"Raul just showed up and held me from behind kissing my neck.

He smelled so good that I just wanted to eat him up.

"What do you think, mommy? What do you think about both of you moving with me?" he whispered in my ear and I goosebumps.
   .  I  don't know what to say?"I answered out of breath.

"Please,  mommy! I want to live with daddy too!"

"We..we can try I think!"I said when I saw them both looking at me with puppy eyes.

After we ate we packed our things and left my house.  We spent the whole day putting our things in Raul's home.  I wondered to see that he already made Juan's room and I was so happy to see that he wanted us back as a family.  For dinte, we ordered some pizza and it was pretty late when Juan couldn't take it anymore so he went to sleep.

"I'm so glad you accepted to move with me, baby!" he said while getting two glasses and a bottle of red wine.

"Well,  I hope I won't be disappointed again, Raul!"

"I promise you won't,  babe!" he said kissing me."I love you two so much and I don't want to lose you again!  And I know you love me. as much as I love you!"

"Yeah,  Juan is melting after you!"I said easily.

"And you are too,  baby! I know you do!" he said and pulled me in his lap holding me tight and making me face him.

He started to kiss me easily placing my head on his chest. It felt so good to have him in my arms again. And I didn't want to end it ever.

"Be my wife, Bella!" he suddenly said holding my face and forcing me to look at him.

"What?!"I mumbled dizzily.

"Be my wife, my love! Will you marry me?"

"I...I will, baby!"I said easily looking into his eyes. I leaned down starting to kiss him roughly."I will be your wife!"I whispered again."I love you so much!"I started to rub my body against his.

"I love you too!" he answered undressing me.


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