Attack -Thomas

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I devour my sandwich hungrily. So much has changed since the good old days back in the glade, but when I sit on the ground eating my sandwich, I can't help thinking back to the glade. In my mind, Newt limps up behind me just to talk to me, Minho will come back from the glade any minute. Chuck talking my ear off about whatever klunk was on his mind. Teresa telepathically tells me some strange piece of code. Sometimes I can still hear her in my head, saying the maze is a code, Tom. The maze is a code. With a pang, I realize just how much I've missed my friends. All dead but Minho. I don't even notice I'm crying until I choke on a sob, my face wet. The final words of my friends ringing through my mind.

Find my mom. Tell her...

Please, Tommy. Please.

I only ever cared for...

I feel an arm around my shoulders. Brenda. She reaches over to brush off my tears, but I slide out of reach. "You're not her. You'll never be her." The words are out of my mouth before I can help it. But I don't want to be near Brenda, not when I'm grieving for Teresa. In fact, I don't want to be near Brenda at all. I stalk off, looking for a place no one will find me. But I stop short at the sound of shattering glass, and then a split second later, a blood curdling scream that turns my blood to ice.

"THOMAS!" Minho screams. "GET YOUR SHUCK BUTT OVER HERE BEFORE YOU'RE WITHIN ITS REACH!" I have no idea what he's talking about, but I don't stop to question it. I've learnt my lesson on that one. I just sprint as quickly as I can towards the building that represents the homestead back in the glade. "That was close, you stupid shank." I whirl around to see what Minho had screamed at me for. Right where I was stood one of the bulb monsters from the scorch, its blade fully outstretched, like it was about to chop my head off. Maybe it was, I have no idea. "C'mon. Let's get in the homestead. Warn the others."

Minho and I walk back. "Who screamed?" I ask. "Aris. He's dead." I wish I could mourn Aris, say he was a great guy. But in reality, I still hate Aris, for kissing Teresa, for replacing her at the beginning of the trials. I guess I just never liked the guy.


Sorry for interrupting the story but I'm kinda having trouble writing Thomas's POV in 1st person so I'm gonna change it to 3rd person. Teresa's POV will still be in first person though. Continue reading. I hope you're enjoying it so far


Thomas watched as Harriet walked over to Aris's body, slinging it over her shoulder before disappearing back inside. Normally that would be the bagger's jobs, but they, like almost everyone else, had died in the Scorch, and one of them stayed behind when the gladers had escaped the maze.
Thomas sometimes wondered what happened to the shanks who stayed behind. Had WICKED reactivated the grievers and killed them all off? And if they did, was it one a night like no one had ever left, or did they just kill them all at once?

When we enter the homestead, Minho addresses everyone.
"Alright, listen up, you shuck faces. Remember those weird monsters in the scorch with the orang bulb things?" A few nods, a couple yeses. "Well, they're back. To kill us. So, get something pokey, a knife, a spear, whatever. You remember how to kill the shuck things." A few seconds of silence. No one moved. "WELL, DO YOU WANT TO BE DEAD, YOU SHANKS?" He shouted. "YOU HEARD ME! GO!" The gladers and group b scattered, rushing to get weapons. Minho just shook his head. "Man, I wish Newt was here."

Don't we all, Minho. Thomas thought. Don't we all.

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