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Last chapter! Warning: it's really long. Usually my chapters are about 500 or so words so this one will be much longer because I'm gonna be doing multiple povs (not everyone's. Sorry.) I hope you all enjoy it, and thank you for sticking with this book till the end.

I wake up in a metal box. It isn't moving. I feel like I shouldn't know anything. But why is it that I suddenly remember growing up, my whole life that I've never known. And what I do. The maze. The scorch. The cure. And Teresa.

"Tom?" Teresa asks. "Tom. Do you remember who I am?" She sounds panicky. So would I, if I was her.
"Yes. I remember you. I remember..." I trail off, almost as if lost in thought. "...Everything." I finish. Teresa's eyes go wide. And, as if in slow motion, she leans towards me. I close the gap, pressing my lips to hers. The whole world stops. Teresa.

"WE'RE ABOUT TO BE PUT BACK INTO THE SAME HELL WE CAME FROM AND YOU TOO ARE GONNA MAKE OUT?" Screams a familiar voice. We jump apart. "Minho?" He nods. "That's right. And as soon as Newt's finally healed, they're gonna send us up and we'll forget everything, which will be about... In five minutes.

"What? Newt? Minho, Newt is dead. I... I killed him. And even if I didn't, the flare would've killed him by now."

Minho shakes his head. "They had him here. They tortured him for information, pumping the bliss into his veins while they did. That's the only reason he isn't past the gone. But the swipe, it does something to the flare, it holds it back long enough for the estimated time it takes to complete the trials."

And then Newt is thrown into the box. "Newt?" I ask. He stares at me blankly. "Who are you?"

His voice hasn't changed. He looks so beaten up, but most of his injuries are covered up. He doesn't remember anything. His voice is the only thing that remains the same.

Following Newt is Frypan and Beth. They look so beaten up, so much worse. "What happened to you guys?" I ask. Frypan just shakes his head.

And then the box starts moving.

My memories trickle out of my head like water when you try to hold it in your hands. I reach for Teresa's hand, gripping it tight as the world goes black.


I'm woken to a loud clang of metal.

The roof slides open.

They sky is so blindingly bright.

We climb out one by one.

Why is the only thing I remember my name? My name is Thomas. I don't remember anything else.

We are six boys and four girls in total. Everyone introduces themselves.

Minho. Harriet. Newt. Sonya. Lawrence. Teresa. Stephan. Beth. Frypan. And me.

Where are we?

Why are we here?

After an hour of wandering around, a strange sense of familiarity hits me. The group of trees is called the deadheads. There are graves there. The buildings are called the homestead. That's where we sleep. And outside the concrete walls is a maze. But more than that.

I remember a boy. No older that thirteen. Not particularly fit. He talked a lot. But when I try to think of who he is, he slips away.

Everywhere I go, a strange familiarity washes over me. There are so many strange things about this place.

Newt (a.k.a. Glad you aren't dead)

From the moment I wake up I can only think three things.
1. Where the fuck am I?
2. Why the fuck am I here?
3. Where did I get all these injuries?

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