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Lawrence knows how to pick locks with just his fingers. The jail is made up of rows and rows of empty cells. None of them are numbered. We are in the first cell.

The plan is to wait for the guards to come check on us. Somehow, Stephan managed to bug the boss of the company, and knows where all the guards will be, and where the exits are. Once that happens, we will take the quickest route, where we won't get caught. Except we never get the chance.

Instead of just checking on us and giving us water, we are all dragged out of the cell. What was going on? If Stephan had picked anything up by bugging the boss, he hadn't said anything about it. Unless Stephan was in league with them. But I couldn't voice my suspicions now.

We are brought into the same room we were in while we waited for everyone to be interrogated.

"We've decided what to do with you." The boss says. He's about to say something else when he's interrupted by one of the clones. "Master Ramir! Chancellor Janson has demanded to have the subjects within the hour."

Chancellor Janson. The rat man. WICKED. They were all connected. And the man's name was Ramir. And than I realize what Ramir is about to say right before he says. I feel my body going cold. My hands start to shake.

"You will be taken to WICKED. We will be restarting the trials. You see, this was our plan all along. WICKED decided to test your responses if we told you we would leave you in a cell. It was another variable, another part of the trials. As was "paradise" and being caught. Even Ms. Agnes's fake death."

Again, we are each grabbed by a guard and dragged down a hallway. Down stairs, through twisting hallways, across large rooms, until we arrive at a set of double doors marked hospital.

And then, Stephen shouts "NOW!" And we all burst into action. The guards are caught off guard, and we manage to break free, an exit only across the room. I go as fast as my crutches allow, but I'm not fast enough. "TOM!" I scream. He turns, white faced and panting.

"Go ahead!" He shouts to the others. Minho is reluctant, but when Tom pushes him, he goes. "TOM! JUST GO! GOODBYE. I- I Love you." Tom's eyes go wide. I love you too. I'm not going. I'll stay with you until the end.  I didn't even realize the telepathy was working. I'm about to scream at him to leave when he is grabbed by the guards.

When we're strapped to the hospital beds, I reach out for Tom's hand. Our fingertips just touch, before I feel a sharp prick in my arm and the world fades away.
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