Resue mission? - Teresa

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This chapter contains spoilers from The Lightning Thief. Be warned.
Thomas and the rest of the gladers were going to come back. I just had to wait out the day. Forgetting all about my injuries, I try to stand, falling right back over with a searing pain in my calf. I roll my eyes in spite of my stupidness and pick up my crutches, standing back up again. What am I going to do while I wait? Exploring might trigger a Griever attack, so that's off limits. But there is a pile of books in front of me, and a book in my hand. I look through the titles.

Clockwork Angel
The Titan's Curse
When did you see her last?
If I Stay
City of Ashes

Are the first six books. But I decide to just go with Percy Jackson, since it's right in my hands. I sit down once again on the floor and open the book.

Four hours later, I've finished the book. I can't believe Luke. Why would he be so evil?? How could he betray Percy like that?
I slip The Lightning Thief into my bag, since it contains the code, and then I search the book pile for the second book. I'm about to start it when I hear a voice in my head.

Teresa. Help us. Please.

My heart pounds. My friends were in trouble. I had to save them, yet I didn't want to leave. Finally, I threw Sea of Monsters and The Titan's Curse into my bag, unable to leave them, and ran as fast as my broken leg and messed up ribs that, even though they were no longer broken, ached with every quick movement.

Tom. Where are you? What's happening?

I almost scream the words in his head. I can't afford to loose him.

WICKED headquarters. Ratman has us cornered. They are going to reapply the swipe and start the trials all over again. They've already recruited a hand full of younger kids. Teresa we have to stop this. I will if my life depends on it and I hope you will too. I don't want to be mistaken about forgiving you.

Tom. Of corse I will. I'll be there as soon as I can.

But I know he won't hear. I don't know how I can tell, but the telepathy has stopped working.

Where is WICKED headquarters? The question will drive me as insane as the cranks if I can't find out. Calm down, Teresa. What can I do? Text Lawrence. I pull off my bag, leaning heavily against my left crutch. But I rummage through it, and my phone isn't there. I left it at the shack. I walk a little further, just to see if there's anyone around, still sane, that can tell me where the WICKED headquarters is. But all that's close is an abandoned van. A van. Maybe I can drive it back to the shack, get my phone, and drive to WICKED. But I've never driven. Is it really that hard? I walk towards the van, pulling the unlocked door open. But it's not abandoned. There's someone inside. I feel cold metal against my forehead and realize he's holding a pistol. There's something about him that looks, somehow, familiar. "Teresa Agnes," he says, his voice cool as ice. "Your friends are waiting. Perhaps, if you get in the van and don't fight, you'll be able to see them one more time before they loose their memories of you. And we're using a newer version if the swipe. This one cannot be removed. So maybe, you'll be able to know them for, hmm, two hours? One? Before you loose them. Forever.
You finished this chapter, onion son.
Hope y'all liked it!! Also, tysm for 200 reads! Opinions and feedback are welcome! Also also, what do ya think of the new cover?

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