Books - Teresa

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I put down the photo, looking around the cabin. Next to one of the beds is a huge stack of books. And when I say huge, I mean HUGE. It was obviously Trina's. She had mentioned reading a lot. I crossed the room and picked up the book on the top. It was a good sized book, probably around 400 pages. The title read The Lightning Thief. I picked it up, brushing the dust off the cover. On it was the back of a black haired boy standing in waves, lightning flashing across the top. He had a sword in one hand and a curved shape that looked kinda like a fish in the other. I flipped open the cover. Inside, written in green ink said Property of Trina. I flipped to the first page.

Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood.
If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: Close the book right now. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth, and try to live a normal life.

Sounds intriguing. But that's not what I notice. Certain letters are underlined. There's some sort of code hidden in the story. I write down all the underlined letters. It's got to be a hidden code. But the letters are just nonsense.


I flip through the book, and realize that there are underlined letters, and occasionally words, all the way to the end of the book.

A small movement to my left makes me whirl around. I just catch a glimpse of it before it disappears from view. But there's no mistaking it. A beetle blade. Was WICKED watching me? Or was it the Right Arm? Quickly, I pulled out my phone and texted Lawrence.

T: Hi Lawrence. I've found some sort of code in a book. Also, there's a beetle blade watching me. Do you have any idea why?

L: What's a beetle blade?

T: These little mechanic creatures that WICKED used to watch us in the glade.

L: Hmmm. As far as I know, The Right Arm doesn't have any of those, and we are not watching you. I'll have to ask around.

If The Right Arm isn't watching me, that would mean WICKED is. I can't afford them to find out what I'm doing. Or they already have. Will it somehow effect Tom and everyone else in Paradise?

Sorry the update is so short! I hope you're enjoying it so far! Special thanks to atheist_fandoms for commenting and voting for every chapter!

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