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The door doesn't lead outside, as we all thought, but into another corridor, lined with doors. From the third door, I hear someone cry for help. A desperate call. I can tell they are certain no one will come. But I know that voice. I feel the blood slowly drain from my face. Before anyone can stop me, I sprint towards the door. It's locked. "Lawrence! Open this door! Please!" I'm desperate, panicky. Lawrence doesn't hesitate, just runs over and picks the lock. I shove the door open and my jaw drops open.

He's chained to the wall, bruised and covered in blood. He's shirtless, whip marks lining his back, his blonde hair mostly fallen out.

Curled in a ball, sobbing, is Newt.

"Newt!" I run over to my best friend.

He gives no sign that he hears me, and shrugs my hand away when I reach for his shoulder. And that is what triggers a horrible train of thoughts.

Did they remove his hearing? Did they give him the swipe? When Thomas shot him, did he forget everyone? Has the flare gotten so bad he's forgotten himself and everyone he was ever friends with?

"Minho?" I let out a loud breath. "Newt." I breathed. "You stupid piece of klunk I thought you were dead." It was bad enough thinking he was dead. Seeing him, my best friend, my only friend for two years, beaten bloody to the point where he's almost unrecognizable.

"Minho I am dead. Can't you see? The old me is gone. It's like he never existed. I've got the flare. I almost died after Tommy shot me. I wanted to so badly. But they found me before I could." His words are like shards of glass, repeatedly stapling me in the heart. But the next sentence is a sword clean through my neck.

"Minho, why can't I just die. All I ever do is fail. Every time. I just want to go. I HATE this world. I've had ENOUGH!" His voice breaks and he starts sobbing.

And then the door flies open.

"Thought you'd escape?"


One more chapter left! I'm sorry this chapter was so short.

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