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Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was on a plane to Germany. We just arrived and I'm super jet lagged so I'm sorry it wasn't updated earlier. The chapters are super short, sorry. But I hope you like them anyways.
  Being forced to tell the truth wasn't the worst part. Neither was anything the man said to scare me. The worst part was reliving everything, especially my friend's deaths. And he could tell. So he would force me to recount each one in perfect detail three or four times. By the time I was finished, I was covered in sweat and my hands trembling. Minho was taken to be questioned right after me, and I could hear him muttering curses under his breath.

Once everyone is finished being questioned, we're all put into a single cell, which is roughly the same size as the ones we had earlier. I have a feeling they did that on purpose, just to make everything even more uncomfortable then it already is. "What are you shanks going to do with us now?" Minho demands. "And what have you done with Frypan and Beth?" I almost don't want him to ask, but I want to know just as badly as he does. Possibly even more. "Oh, we're just going to let you guys starve while we try to figure out what to do with you. You'll get water, but I'm not really in the mood to give you our food, so I guess you'll have to do without it." And with that, he turns and stalks off, leaving me cramped in a space with Teresa, Minho, Harriet, Sonya, Beth, Lawrence, and Stephan. He never says what happened to Frypan and Beth.

I suddenly start to wonder what happened to the others. The ones that stayed behind. Jorge and Brenda and them. Have they been attacked by grievers and the orange bulb monsters, slowly picked off? Or has the place returned to paradise? I hope Jorge is okay, but I find myself not caring about.

"Thomas! Thomas! THOMAS!" Minho waves his hand. "You're doing that tuning out klunk again. Pay attention, you stupid shuckface.

"What?" I ask, blinking. Minho rolls his eyes. "We're coming up with an escape plan. Your girlfriend seems to have a pretty good idea. So why don't you listen?" "She's not my girlfriend," I say, my cheeks going red. Minho sighs and rolls his eyes again. "Well, she pretty much is, you shank. And anyways, it's not important. Forget I said anything. Now, Teresa, tell Thomas your brilliant plan."

Minho is right. Teresa's plan is quite brilliant. But what makes it so brilliant is that it's quick and simple. We will put into action tomorrow.

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