Chapter 1 WISH

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You sigh as you flop on your bed " finally finished reading the last book of tpn" you feel a sudden buzz next to you. you look over to your phone, it reads

" Hey y/n! It's me your math teacher just wanna remind you that you have 10 unfinished assignments that I expect you to get done by the end of Friday" I groan "ugh I forgot about that "

" I just wish I wasn't in this hard working world..I mean come on I'm lazy af and don't do shit.."

you looked at the manga book in your hands "maybe I would have a better life in tpn rather than here" you pause. "HA! who am I kidding!? I would literally die!" all of a sudden your phone starts ringing. you look at your phone and notice that your alarm went off to go to sleep early for school the next day. You sigh, get dressed in your pjs and slip into bed

"Look how cute she is!!"
"Let me see her!!"
"NO MEE!! "
"shhh... you'll wake her up"

"Where am I....?"

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