Chapter 7 Found you

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POV norman: I could her the clock ticking and ticking as the silence got louder. Ray smirked "are you serious cut it out"

"ray.. you already know by now,right? I set a trap for three people. I told don the rope was under my bed. And Gilda was told it was on the ceiling on the second floor bathroom at least... that's what i told you ray. But I actually told don dinning hall and Gilda library the rope behind my bed disappeared. So what about the other 2 spots? Should we go over and check them now?" My eyes follow every movement ray does as we slowly sits on the bed and lays down than starts hysterically laughing

"Hahaha!" He than goes silent

"aw,man. And I thought I was doing so well." I watch as we slowly gets up "Yeah your right I'm moms spy so.. what have it away?"

"It was when sister came to the house.. I was disgusted with myself for thinking such a thing you were the first person I suspected
You would be able to provide and put to our plans and from perspective of controlling the situation, it's perfect. Your the best one for the job."

"So that's why you suspected me.. hah! How embarrassing I walked right into your little trap"

"One more thing Ray you're not the traitor who set up just for this matter right? Mom wouldn't suddenly trust a sudden tip or an impromptu spy" I bend down toward him

"how long have you been moms spy" "for a long time ago I've been moms subordinate for a long time basically a sheepdog for a shepherd"

"you knew about this and helped mom out any way!" "Yeah" "everything was lie? How much have you been telling mom.. the recking devices can be broken right?"

"What's the point of that info anyway? You gonna ditch me based on my answer"

"no I won't I want you to stay by our side like you've always have but not only I want to but others do too"

"others as in y/n and Emma?" "Yeah.. specifically y/n she wanted who ever was the traitor to stay no matter what she even said she'd force them" ray thought about this but didn't say anything.

"Isn't great! You get hide your little mistake ray!" "Just tell me what you want" "three things one continue to spend time with us like before two release all the info you have to us

Three come to our side become our spy for our team instead" "your gonna use me as your trump card?" "Yeah!" "Are you an idiot!? If that was your objective from the beginning, you should've kept quiet and used me."

"Your right I said" I look up at the ceiling "she reminded us that we're Family that's what made me change my mind" "why did you become moms sheepdog?" "Why not?" "If you were completely on moms side than it wouldn't make sense to reveal the truth to us"

"hah! I volunteered I guess sold myself. And ALL OF IT WS TO PREPARE FOR THIS ESCAPE" "that's..risky" "I had chances to succeed" "I asked her for 2 things

"1 to not get shipped out and 2 various junk from the outside so I could study it" "so when you said you had an idea for breaking the trackers"

"I've seen a real device" "don't you see Norman!? IM THE BIGGEST CARD YOU EVER HAVE I HAVE INFO ON THE TRACKING DEVICES AND ABOUT MOM" "ray-" "I had you guys go to the gate without no one noticing ALL THIS TO MAKE SURE YOU GUYS DONT GET KILLED"

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