Chapter 9 Powerful Untrustworthy

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For chinnochan-> Tôi sẽ cân nhắc thực hiện một số cảnh lãng mạn ở đâu đó trong vài chương tới nhưng không có gì 16+ chỉ vì chúng là trẻ con và cảm ơn bạn đã hào hứng cho chương tiếp theo ra mắt! <3

For English speakers wanting to translate this is Vietnamese

POV Y/n: I stare at krone in front of me. *what the hell does she want* as if reading my mind she answered. "Do you know about the management system?" We all looked at her confused and stared....silence...... she continued

" girls, who fulfill certain conditions and live until 12 years old. Are presented with two paths when they're about to be shipped. To continue and die or aim to become a mom" she walks around us.

"What conditions"? Don asks. She keeps circling around us as she continues "scores above a certain number and the mom's recommendation. If you give those two requirements you can survive without escaping if you're a girl"

At that moment Emma and Gildas eyes widen. I suddenly feel their stares from the side of me. 

I guess the boys caught on cause they than stare at Me as well but look at the girls in confusion in why their so shocked.

"Only the girls?" I ask trying to sound confused. "Yeah but I don't recommend it. Your body will never be able to leave these premises." Emma suddenly shouts

" why is that?!" Krone pulls down her shirt low enough for us to see her chest.

" there's a chip inside if an adult sets 1 foot outside of the farm and electric current will be sent through this and their heart will stop at the same time.

If some thing else makes our heart stop then it acts as a transmitter that notifies the higher ups." 

Emma and gilda walk closer to me. Emma puts her chin on my right shoulder while gilda just gets creepily close to me. Norman looks at krone disgusted

" so we couldn't kill the adults after all" krone smiles " I can only live in the farms that's why I want to live the best possible life here as Mom even if it's fake, it's a life for humans but to get that Isabella is in the way if you all escape she will be blamed" she chuckles

" I won't get in your way that will be beneficial for me" she pauses

" so let's cooperate!" we all look at her, but I see Norman smile. He's about to shake hands with sister when Emma goes up to him

" let me verify one thing with sister" "what is it?" " what's your guarantee that you won't betray us?" " are you saying you don't trust me?" " answer!" She yells.

" if Ray tells this to Mom, you can crush me, but if I tell mom that rays is acting double agent, I can crush him. That's why I neither of us will be try each other because we can't. Do you trust me now.?"

" yeah sure.." " then we have a deal"


* this is pointless* I think. I'm walking with Emma towards krones room. She for some reason insisted we'd hold hands.

We and her look at each other and nod. We knock on the door. She opens it, we go in. " what do you want to know go ahead ask me anything" " really anything?" I ask.

 ‗ ❍ 𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒑𝒏 𝒙 𝑰𝒔𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒊 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ‗ ❍Where stories live. Discover now