Chapter 11 strategy

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A/n: only three more chapters woooo!!


Ray: my eyes widened "Norman's getting shipped..?" Isabella smiles "Yes. It's been decided that it'll be tomorrow"

Realization dawned on me *if Norman's getting shipped out... that means that it gives me an even better chance at getting y/n's love! One less and.....* I look at Emma *one more to go..* I slightly smirked.

I look back down at y/n and I feel angered that mom would do this! "So what happens to y/n?
Will she heal?" I watch as mom carefully picks up y/n, turns to me and smiles. "Of course she will.. though it might take a month or two"  her smile widened. "Now let's head back to the house".


POV y/n:

I lay in bed in pain. I turn my head to see norman there next to me. I slightly smile.

"Y/n" he says. I reach my hand out to him
He takes his hands and cups mine. "Don't worry all she took was the rope.."

I look at him in confusion "what do you mean norman?" He hesitates "The plan isn't over yet your leg will heal" "that's not it! We have to do something about your shipment!" "The escape will be successful" I stayed silent knowing he won't be able to come with us even if I tried to change the storyline. "Y/n theres something I must tell you.." he says slowly. I look up at him in confusion. "What is it?" 

He stays silent for awhile before speaking
"What-... what would you do if someone was.... Obsessed with you!? Loved you and would do anything to show you it!? WOULD YOU LOVE THEM BACK?"  My eyes widened *what the hell is going on with him!? He shouldn't be acting like this..?* his hands that are holding on mine start tightening to where it starts to hurt. I wince.
"I-I don't know..." I look up at him. He has this
Look in his eyes.. I don't know how to described it.  It's filled with love? No...obsession

Without warning his face starts getting closer to mine. "Uh-eh wait! I'm like super thirsty can you get me water..?" His face stops getting closer
Instead he moves away from me. And smiles.

"Of course" he walks out the room.
I clench my bedsheets *what the hell... was.. that..?* I thought. *wait... does he.. mean obsessed with me..?* *No that couldn't be it.... Right!? * I shake my head to get rid of the thought. *okay just stay away from him for it*

POV norman:

I walk into the kitchen and go towards the sink. I turn on the sink, I get a cup
I filled up the cup with water but my hand was shaking so much that I dropped the cup. 

I just couldn't take it anymore. My legs weakened I Crouch down.  My hands and whole body shaking violently, my eyes widening. "I... messed up didn't I?... I'll never get to live with my love.. my y/n."

POV y/n:
I still stare at my bare bedsheets in shock I try breathing slowly to calm myself down.

I suddenly hear a shout and a figure coming towards me. I look up to see ray. "Y/n! Are you okay? You seem scared! Did something happen!?" I stare up at him I smile.

"Yes I'm okay I just.. had a bad dream"
He nods and pauses for a second before speaking up. "I-I don't think there is a way to help norman.. once a shipment date is set there's no going back but we'll try" he says.

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