Chapter 10 Distress

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POV krone: I looked down at the paper again as my eyes widen. "Number 18684,Sister krone we hereby appoint you to be mom of plant four"

I looked up at Isabella "I'll be a mom!?" "-yes.. there was a sudden opening at plant four for a mom I've been recommending you for some time which is why you've been selected"

"you've been recommending me...?" "Grandma is at the gate to pick you up pack up immediately and go back to headquarters" She closed the door in front of me and left.

POV Isabella: I close krones door, lean against it, and bit my nail. I start smirking *now that I got her out I'm a step closer to getting me and y/n to be working together forever!* I think.
I push myself off the door and twirl in the hall way. "So exciting! Just thinking of y/n being a mom!" I say to no one specifically but myself.


POV Ray: I knock on moms door. She opens it.
"Let's start switching out the chemicals" she nodded and smiled. I turned around and started leading the way. As I walk up the stairs she speaks "I eliminated her." I pause and turn around My eyes widen.

"I eliminated sister krone" she says again. My widen even more

I quickly rush up the stairs almost tripping and go into her room. I stand at the door way looking at the empty dark room. I start walking inside slowly. I feel hands go on my shoulders as mom whispered in my ear

"I didn't need her anymore that's why I eliminated her.

I turn around facing her when a dark look comes on her face. "You too...our deal is over, right here and now" I was stunned for a second as I stayed silent. "I'm fired, too?.. why? You need me, don't you!? Don't you want to use me so you can control them indirectly and peacefully behind the scenes"

"that's exactly it but... your not making progress with the right person..."

"I was doing a good job. To you.." "yes, you were a useful dog but I only used you for y/n you know? She's all I want because we will work together forever as mom and grandma!"
"Oh and don't think I don't know about your.. dreams" she giggled in my face.

My eyes widen "w-what are you talking about..?" "Please.. stop acting innocent when I visit the room I always hear you saying y/n in your dreams" she turn around and side eyed me "I'll keep that a secret"

"Also I'm sorry ray. Please forgive me for the things I'm about to do" I rushed up to her and hugged her. She grabbed me by the back of my collar and threw me off her. I landed on the ground hard. I immediately sat up. "mom!" No answer. "DAMN IT!" My hands grabbed my hair

"in any case i have to get out of here! This is the worst" I kicked the door but it didn't move an inch. I instead started using my fists, back and shoulder.

*if i can't get out for my friends then I will definitely get out for y/n* I once again used my shoulder. *argh I need to get to y/n I can't stay here forever! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO MY FUTURE IS WITH Y/N I CANT STAY HERE"

I kicked my foot against the door with some unknown anger and strength that I somehow made a hole in the door. I squish myself through the door hole and find don standing there shocked. "R-ray! We gotta go now the three are in trouble!" "Right!"

 ‗ ❍ 𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒑𝒏 𝒙 𝑰𝒔𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒊 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ‗ ❍Where stories live. Discover now