Chpater 5.5

597 18 10


POV y/n:
I look up at krone as she continues to explain the match. "Let's set the match time limit for 20 minutes and I'll be it, now then run and hide~" she says in a mischievous tone
*Great.. now time to hide I literally wanna kms..*
POV krone: "seven, eight, nine and ten!" I happily flap my arms around doing a weird dance  "now, let me see what the woman's special children can do!"
POV ray:
I stare around the woods "so how will the enemy move?" I turn to norman "she'll probably come looking for us first and on the way she'll capture as many little ones as she can"
POV krone:
I rush to the forest and start looking anywhere and everywhere. I stop as I notice footprints on the ground *huh fake footprints? And what's with the silence?* a grin which turns into a smile appears on my face. "LOOKS LIKE ILL HAVE TO PLAY FOR REAL NOW!" I shout into the empty forest.
POV y/n:
i look down from the tree I'm hiding in to spot all the kids hiding in bushes and keeping an eye out. "She's not coming after us at all" I turn to Emma who's also hiding in the tree with me "did she change her strategy?" I ask knowing damn well what krones plan is. 

Me and Emma glance at each other and look down the tree as we hear commotion. We spot the younger ones huddled in a circle holding something like heart shaped leaves.

I notice as Emma's eyes widen and gasps. Krone hugged all the younger ones she'd caught "too bad, caught you!" She told them.

We jumped down the tree only to find out that Norman and ray were hidden in the tree beside us "How did she lure them in?" Emma asks. Norman picks up the leaves from the ground and showed it to us "she used these to lure in the younger ones" norman answered

*wait- I'm confused I thought Emma saw the leaves* I look at Emma and notice the sudden realization hit her face * I guess she only noticed krone capture them* I mentally shrug.

While me and Emma are running we spot Phil with some other sibling. We start to run faster toward them as they yell our names out but at the corner of my eye I notice krone.

I run faster than before and swoop up Phil and the other girl in my arms as Emma runs up beside me. "Cover your mouths!" She tells them.

Me and Emma run faster as we feel her presence behind us getting closer. I turn my head back and notice she's on my trail and not Emma's *this could be good* i look at Emma and whisper to her "go on without me I'll be fine with them" Emma's eyes widen "what!? You crazy no I'm not leaving you Ever"

"Please! Even if she catches me she won't catch you therefore she'll lose" I can tell emma thinks about it for a moment just from her facial expression but next thing I know she nods and runs a different direction than mine.

I still feel krones presence behind me, I see cliff in front of me and jump over it to thankfully land on grass but I know I can't give up yet.

My legs hurt and feel like their on fire while my arms are sore from carrying my 'siblings' but I keep going until I hide behind a tree knowing this is how krone finds Emma but *at least I'll be able to take a break* I think. I suddenly hear krones voice "running while carrying 2 kids must be tiring y/n you won't be able to move unless you rest"

*no shit*  "did you know Norman's weakness is physical strength? Rays weakness is that he's a little quick to give up... and Emma weakness is her naïveté... and yours y/n is thinking you have the upper hand.. you don't always do.."

*ughhh can she get on with this talking it's honestly boring me to death* "you can come outttt! I promise I won't do you wrong" 

"listen y/n if you saw the harvest that day than you should know I'm on your side" I hear krones get creepily closer and deeper.

My eyes widen *wait...* I look up and see her "found you" *CRAP!* I think. I quickly pick up the kids and run as fast as I can with as much energy I have. *shit... I know I can't run much longer*

I look behind me to see her hand reached out close on my trail. I keep running and running and decided to change my direction and run to the right as soon as I did I went behind a tree again and hid the children so they don't get caught.

I stood in front of the tree waiting and knowing krone was following me. She came out the bushes and had a stare down with me. That's when I noticed the trio coming towards us- or specifically krone. Ray tugged on her dress at held up the timer saying "times up" in his usual monotone voice. *huh? They came at the perfect time*


POV Emma: I was running and running I don't know where but that's when I ran into ray and Norman I spotted them running. "NORMAN, RAY!" I shout breathless hoping they hear me
Which they do cause they stop running and turn to me

"EMMA!" Norman shouts. I run up them and try to catch my breath "where's y/n?" Norman asked "She told me to take a different path then her and not to follow her so that krone won't get to me I tried to tell her no but.. she insisted" "You what?..." ray said quietly.

Which got both me and Norman's attention. "I took a different path than her.. " I hesitantly say "your saying you left her....with krone..?" "Yes but she insisted-" "I DONT GIVE A DAMN IF SHE INSISTED YOU SHOULD'VE STAYED WITH HER" ray walked up to me and his hands wrapped around my throat and he started squeezing "how could you leave her alone..?" He said in a dangerous tone.

"R-ray s-stop it h-hurts!" I muster out "HEY RAY CUT IT OUT" norman grabs rays wrist and takes it off my throat. "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU RAY?" Norman shouts.

I fall to ground catching my breath once again I look up at ray * if this jerk thinks he can have y/n to himself I'll tell him otherwise even if that means K̴̘̱̣̫̐̇i̸̯̗͕̎l̷̥̟̃́l̸̤͆̓i̵̜̮̓̕n̷̩̄̚͠g̷͇̮̐͑ ̵̝̼̭̀́͑̅h̶̜̜̐i̵͈̥̰͑͝m̸͉͚̻̑

I snap out of it when ray speaks up "LOOK I just got angry okay? Jeez... Emma do you know where she might of gone?"
"Yeah" I say annoyed I glared at him.

We all come back to see all our siblings cheer and clap for us. "Hooray!" "You did it" "yay!"

I see krone glare at us and mutter something under her breath but don't pay mind to it. I watch as Emma waves to our siblings but for some reason she seems ticked off about something.. actually now that I notice it norman and ray do too?..

We all are in the kitchen getting ready for dinner and discussing about Isabella "think what is the easiest situation for mom?" Norman says

"uh-"  "that would be to know our moves without having to do anything" norman answers "but there are no security cameras or listening devices" I say.

Emma's eyes widen
"It couldn't be..." "that's right there's probably a spy among us kids" "so there's a traitor" I say acting surprised * I know it's ray but I won't say a thing for now* I look at the trio

Words 1313

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