Chapter 3 Food?, Farms, DËÅTH¿

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(Not me having to watch ep 1 again 😭)

POV Isabella: I ring the bell in my hands. "Children! It's time for breakfast"

The children come running in and start sitting at their seats "now let's go over our prayers, thank you for being blessed to have food, have a nice meal!" the children chanted.

I Sit down with conny in front of me "now open wide~" I move the spoonful of food in her mouth " Nom!" " mmm that's so good mom!"
"Your acting like a little baby conny, hehe oh you got some on your face" " oh hehe but it's okay right especially today right? " I wipe some off her face "of course "

POV Y/n: I have the scanner in my hand ready for the test to answer the questions " Hello you will be anwsering 50 questions in 10 seconds you will start in ...3..2...1
Answer question 1
Answer question 2
Answer question 3
Answer question 4
Answer question 5
Answer que...
After the test

I sigh "I finally answered all the questions" I wipe some sweat off my forehead "Hey Norman how did you do?" I ask him. " I think I did the same as usual" I nod " nice and what about you Emma, ray" I look at them " fine" "okay" I smile. Suddenly Isabella walks in the room and up to the front. "Ahem.. settle down now, okay than.. for the test results.... Y/n, emma , Norman , ray you got perfect 300 scores once again"

"wow they like are soo cool the perfect group!" Someone mutters. Don turns to them "Yeah Norman is a genius who has the best brain and the resourceful ray, the only one who can compete against norman and to top it off, Emma is extremely athletic and she learns quickly so she keeps up with the other two" Don explains

"what about y/n?" Don pauses and gives it a bit of thought. "well she's all three combined she's just perfect" someone buts in" they say the house has never had four kids at this level together before" "than no wonder moms proud of them" another says.

Don turns back around "HEY! NORMAN I CHALLENGE YOU TO A GAME OF TAG" I chuckled at that *bro thinks he can win against Norman is insane knowing he lost a million times before* Don blushed * I can't believe I made y/n laugh* he thought "oh really?" Norman smiles "I accept"

POV Norman:

I look at ray signaling if the time has started yet, he looked at me and nodded his head then went back to reading his book *here I come* I rush into the forest.

"Eveyone shhhhh norman surely won't find us here" "mhm" "yeahhh!" " yup we will out win him this time!" The children say "BOO" norman says as he pops out from behind.
"AWAHHHHHH" they all yell " Norman how did you find usss" " yeah" " your so good hmph" Norman laughs " it was easy to found you I could hear you and you left foot prints" he smiles and the children pout and fuss.

POV Don:

"NORMAN COME FIND ME AND CONNY WE WILL WINN" "yeah!" Conny says. Don bends down to her and gives her a high five " We make the best duo conny!" " mhm!.. oh and don thanks for always being there to help me" his eyes start tearing up " you don't have to thank me I'll always help you anytime, anywhere you need" Conny chuckles and puts her finger over her lips to indacate to stay quiet "Hey wait look at that there's foot prints..?"

Don walked over to where the foot prints are on the ground. "Heh you let your guard done norman!" He stood up and shouted "Actually you did, I tell you this every time your weakness is that you make quick judgements and lose your cool" norman appeared behind Don without a sound.

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