Chapter 12 Proposal

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POV y/n:

"it was a cliff" "huh seriously!?" Emma shouts. His eyes narrow as he looks at her "don't get worked up it wasn't a height we could jump from" "but there is a way for us to escape".

Norman walks toward a bookshelf that's next to me, pulls out a notebook. Walks toward my bed and started writing on a blank piece of paper.
"So I went to the edge of the wall. It's split into 2 more walls one side continued along the cliff the other wall was the side of our house" ray looks at norman in shock. Norman nods as he knows that ray understands now. "It means this grace field house is in a hexagon and out beyond it is nothing but forest" I say.  Norman was about to say something when we heard the door knob to our room start turning. We flinch. The door opens to reveal Phil.

"Norman!! Moms calling for you." "Tell her I'll be right there" "okay!" We sit in silence for a moment. "We'll looks like i should get going"
"Hey wait!" "Norman!" Ray and Emma shout.
I just stay quiet and observe them.. "here you can have this back I won't be needing it" norman handed ray the device he made him. Ray grabbed Norman's shoulders and shoved him against the wall. "Your plan was to come back from the start wasn't it!?" I see Norman's eyes stare at me than
Look back at ray. "You said we'd stay alive together!". "You know I'm interested in why y/n hasn't said anything this whole time".

*SHIT! He shifted the attention on me*
"Y/n is there a reason you haven't said anything?
Did you know this wouldn't work out? Or did you know my plans before hand?" I sweat dropped "uh I just am-..." *god dammit think think*
"I just am in shock and can't express words right now because I'm sad your leaving..?" It came out more like a question than a statement.  I noticed Emma and ray gave me a questioning look than looked back at norman. "Anyway, sorry I lied" Norman told ray. Ray slowly walked backwards and plopped on the edge of my bed. He put his fingers in his hair and sulked.

POV Ray:

*this was not supposed to happen he was supposed to leave and die out in the forest! Now I'm less closer to getting y/n my dear y/n* *all because of that damn smart jackass*

POV y/n
"I'm leaving the rest to you. Make sure the escape succe-" "wait,norman!" Emma shouts. Without warning norman runs and hugs all three of us on my bed. "So warm.. thank you for everything because of you three, I had a good life" he backed away from the hug and stood right in front of me. His hand traveled up my face all the way to my cheek. He leaned to the side my ear and whispered "I wish I could've told you I loved you mon amour" he kissed my cheek and stepped away from me.  I could feel glares radiating off ray and Emma "goodbye" he said one final time than left.

Pov Norman:

As I walked into my room I glance at the luggage and then look to my side to see the thing that Emma and y/n called "A cup phone"
I stare at it recalling the memories from the past.
It doesn't take long though before I'm out the trance when I hear the door open behind me.
I look to see don and Gilda looking at me worriedly, I give them a smile.

Outside the bedroom

I walk downstairs luggage in hand and spot mom. "Thanks for waiting for me mom" she turns around and glances at me for a bit before a smile appears on her face. "Of course, let's go now norman.. everyone's waiting"

As I take the last step off the stairs mom hands me my hat and slowly walks away. I follow after her until I reach the front door and turn around to see everyone in front of me. I look at y/n who seems to be avoiding eye contact by looking slightly down. "Y/n" I call out but I notice she flinches as I say her name. "Take care of everyone for me, okay?" She doesn't say anything but nods. It was silent..

 ‗ ❍ 𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒑𝒏 𝒙 𝑰𝒔𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒊 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ‗ ❍Where stories live. Discover now