Chapter 8 Coded message

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POV don:  we jolt as we hear a noise from the door we entered to moms office. As it starts to open wide and wider.

We finally see the person and it's.... PHIL? "Huh Phil?"

"Shh I'm playing hide and seek with naila and Eugene"

"oh I see.." Gilda sighs in relief.


POV y/n: we were all standing in one circle looking at each other. "So what we need to investigate now is..." Emma started

We all said at the same time.
" we know most of what we need to about the house" ray says.

" Plus the training is going well. The tracking devices can be broken." Norman states.

" to get into an outside, and if we can maneuver the adults here, we can definitely clear the wall." Ray says.

"Next is checking out an escape route" I say "oh and before I forget I wanna introduce you guys to someone!"


POV don: I rush past mom "hehe! Sorry I'm a hurry"

I run behind the stairs to find Gilda.

"I got it" I show her the key in my hand.
Her eyes widen.

While I make a mischievous face.


POV y/n: I walk into the library the trio close on my trail. I climb on the ladder and grab a book from the shelf. "This is the person I wanted to introduce you to!" "Mr.William Minerva?"

Norman reads it out loud "who's he?" He asks.
"I don't know. What I do know is that he's the previous owner of that book but he could be someone on our side." I say.

"what do you mean?" Emma asks me. "This person has been conveying certain message through books. And not just in one book but lots of them!"

I grab more books off the shelf and place them in the table. I open each of the books to the front page. "So this sticker is.." "a bookplate A label that indicates the books on or before it came here."

"Okay and what's that certain message" norman asks. " look closer" "there all the same owl book plate.... Wait! The circle" I watch as he uses his finger to trace over the lines

"it's Morse code!".
Emma helps norman find a book about Morse code and they place it next to one of the owl circles. "This one says run.. Eh! It gives me the creeps" Emma says.

"Yeah and this one says doubt than there's danger and that last one is truth" "hey how about you check these ones!" I hand him more books but accidentally touch his hand while doing so to which Norman's face turns tomato red.

As we hear him tell us what the words are we realize something- or at least they did- " this is a message from the outside to us hidden from the demons and adults I think we can trust that.

"Ray looks at us and back at the books. "I mean this man named Minerva could be an ally to us. But we don't know if he's dead or alive, so we shouldn't get our hopes up too much."

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