Peril Chapter 13

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POV y/n:

we stare at each other in silence. The only noise being the clock ticking away. "You know I've been thinking.. what should I do for Norman's sake" "The answer do nothing" I say. "But just because I can't do nothing for Norman's sake doesn't mean I'll give up! And you shouldn't either! I won't let Norman die in vain... so ray?" "So, we're always thinking the same thing in the end" "let's run away ray I came to talk about that" "I wanted to talk to you, too" he pauses than continues. "These past two months, we couldn't really talk since we were worried about mom spying on us"

"Yeah I didn't want mom find out her true intentions" "true intentions?" "Yes moms very cautious" "even though we didn't do anything she kept watching, but we could use that against her"
I placed my hand over my heart "if she watches me than I can distract her from watching the others" he lifts his head up "don, Gilda, and Emma " "Yes. I left everything to them and we are ready we have all the supplies we need"

He sighs "this is stupid.." he looks away and than looks down beside him. "I personally think this is the best answer. "We're going to start a house fire" "fire?" "That's right. When mom is distracted putting it out we'll lead everyone outside, saying it's an evacuation" he looks up at me "they do have enough information to run like playing tag right.." he than looks down at my leg. "Or is your leg still..." I jump up and stomp my foot on the ground. "It's fine!" He looks at me for a long while than reaches down and grabs an oil box and opens it. "We'll than i guess it's time to execute the plan" he than pours the whole oil bottle onto his head. "RAY!" I shout. He than tosses me one as well.

"Hahaha....HAHAHAHA" he puts his hands on his face and than hold his arms out wide as if giving a show to an audience. "Don't you understand a sacrifice must be made to start the fire!" "Trust me y/n I've planned this long long ago and you and I will be together!" I look up at him and see him have a lighter and match in his hand. He than lights the match and looks up at me. "I can't die without telling you the truth so I will now... y/n I've... I've.. loved you.. not as a sibling but as... a significant other! and.. now I CONFESS I CONFESS IM OBSESSED AND LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND IT PAINS ME SO MUCH TO SEE YOU WITH NORMAN AND EMMA. YOU KNOW....I HAVE DREAMS ABOUT YOU ALL THE TIME AND NOW WE WILL DIE TOGETHER IN THIS FIRE WE WILL BE THE SACRIFICES AND YOU WILL BELONG TO ME" *WHAT THE HELL...? THIS HAS TO BE A NIGHTMARE...* I look at him my eyes bulging. I shook my head *even though he may be A LITERAL PSYCHOPATH I have to continue the story line as is or else.... Who knows what would soon as I escape with the others I'll stay as far away from him as possible or well...hope I'll be home by then* he than drops the lighter and all of a sudden everything goes in slow motion I run up to him and grab the match in the palms of my hands. I huff and stand up.

"Sorry but I'm not letting you die and so aren't the other kids!" Rays caught off guard for a moment didn't she just hear him confess to her?
"Other kids..?" A knock on the door is heard.
It opens to revel Emma, lannion,and Thoma.
"Y/n we brought what you asked" Emma said.
"Yeah and everyone's ready to go now" lannion adds. "Wait y/n listen I just think...."


"ARE YOU STILL THINKING TO KILL YOURSELF!?" I shout at him. "SHUT UP AND GET READY TO RUN AWAY". I sigh "don't you understand your coming with us and lucky for you I got stuff from sister krone that smells exactly like you so when we put on a distraction as if you really were in the fire it will seem true" he looks at me stunned. I than bend toward the ground pick up the lighter and match and light it as lannion, thoma, and Emma put the clothing and other materials to burn as a distraction. "Now than let's get ready ray" i flick the match towards the ground and the other run away.

The fire emerges from the ground and starts getting larger and larger I than put my acting skills on.

POV Isabella:

im in the office when I hear the clock chime 12 at midnight. I sigh and walk toward the calendar I cross off today and circle rays shipment date. "Happy birthday my only son" I whisper when all of a sudden I hear the fire alarms go off. I quickly sprint out the door and into the dinning room. "Y/N!?" "MOM HELP RAYS IN THE FIRE" she cry's out. I immediately grab the fire extinguisher and start extinguishing out the fire and try to walk into it buts it's no use the fire is growing stronger and stronger. "Y/N! QUICKLY GET EVERYONE OU-" I turn around and notice she isn't there. I pause. "What...?"
I take out my tracking device and follow where it says they are but I end up at a basket and in the basket are 3 ears.. my eyes widen *NO THEY COULDN'T POSSIBLY... NOT Y/N... NO THE FUTURE I HELD FOR HER* i run as fast as possible to my office and take the key out my pocket. *I MUST INFORM H.Q* I look down to see that the whole door nob is removed there's no way for me to get in. I shake my head *no use I must find them quickly!* I run outside.

POV y/n:
We are running through the forest huffing and puffing *I must make sure they all escape safely* I look to right of me to see ray with a determined face and than to the left of me with Emma she has a determine face too.

POV Isabella:
I look at the burning building that I raised all my children in and now they are gone.
I look down at my hand and look at the chopped up ear. "Hahaha.. HAHAHA" I pause mid way of my laughing. "Mom what are we gonna do now?" I look down to see Phil and then look at my other side to see My youngest of children. My eyes widen.


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