Chapter 4 Planing

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POV y/n: I look around to see a black void. I walk around for a bit and come upon a curtain. I cautiously open it to see wine and food on a table. I walk towards the table slowly and look around.
I then look at the main dish in front of me. *ītś ćøññyß hęæd?!* My eyes widened in horror, I suddenly hear a loud growl from behind me. I turn around to see a demon about to eat me

Than black

I jolted awake in my bed and looked around the room to see Emma awake as well

We make eye contact with each other I whisper to her " horrible dream too..?" "Yeah" she responds. I look down at my blanket and try to catch my breath... * why did I have Emma's dream..?*

I hear shuffling so I look up and see Emma coming towards me, a blanket in hand. She sits on my bed. "Mind if I sleep with you?" I smile at her  "of course not we're family after all!"
We both lay down in my bed. I turn to Emma side and face her. She does the same. We smile at each other and that was the last thing I saw before I knocked out.


Me and Emma had gotten up that morning to me cuddling her and her cuddling me. But other than that the routine went as per usual.

"Goodmoring" Phil says as he runs into the dinning room" Hey Phil! No running!" Gilda shouts.

Me and Emma are putting the plates down when we hear Mom " Mark, can you set the table?" " Okay mom!"

I look at emma, she looks at me and we both stare back at mom nervously
I turn around to see norman awake with 2 of our siblings "Goodmorning Emma and y/n!" "Goodmorning norman" I say

* acting huh.. well that should be easy to do* I look at Emma "psst Smile Emma" Norman walks toward us " let's go talk about this somewhere else, preferably the upstairs room" me and Emma nod

Inside a room

POV Norman: "Listen, Emma, Y/n but mostly Emma we have to behave like we normally do. Yesterday we broke the rules and went to the gate but we didn't see anything"

"but little bunny.." Emma speaks up. *I look at y/n but her reaction isn't as.. scared? Her reaction is neutral...? But why?*

I intensely stare at y/n deep in thought without realizing how creepy it might look until she speaks up "Norman are you alright? You keep staring at me.." she says with a red face

My face goes red " uh yeah sorry deep in thought" I say with my hand behind my head
I look at Emma to see her doing a glare at me I look at her and do the same back.

"Anyway.. mom probably found it. But she doesn't know who left it there." "Though mom was smiling she doesn't show it on her face at all" y/n replied " and that's what we have to do too, if our faces show it mom will notice. We can't lose. Let's smile"

I look at y/n with a smile. *Hah beat that emma* I open my eyes to see y/n blush. Emma cuts off the moment by talking "the delicious food, the white clothing, the well regulated life.., this is all to maintain our quality as merchandise the only thing we can do is wait we are shipped out indiscriminately"

" it's not emma, Emma remember what the demon said? Y/n speaks to Emma I continue after her " another six year old we've been shipping out average ones."

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