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The bells were echoing in the cathedral closest to the castle, it had been going on since the very moment the sun rose in the horizon. Minho had woken up extra early that day, this was his day after all. He had servants in his room adjusting his suit, he remained silent as he watched the underweight helpers struggle to stay up. He then saw this little girl, about twelve or thirteen sowing back his suit as the rest left.

She didn't meet his eyes once, she just did her job, her obligation.

"Are you hungry?" Minho breaks the silence and she shakes her head, still looking at the ground.

"You see that table over there? Take anything you'd like on it" he points at his barely eaten breakfast and she looks at him.

"What does master want in return...?" She said like she has done this a million times.

"Nothing...I just want you to eat something"

"Is this a trick?"

"Not at all"

"My last master said the same thing but then he..." he held her breath and kept sowing, swallowing thickly.

"Has he touched you...?" Minho said.


"Where?" He remained calm even if he was fuming inside.

She points at her small chest and trails down to intimate places.

"Tell me his name..."

"I cannot my lord..." she says, looking at the ground.

Who could it be that she couldn't say...? Someone higher up then Minho he assumed.

"It's fine, now go eat something, take the rest to your family"

She nods and goes to the plate.

The door opens and she flinches, but calms down when she sees a golden haired prince.

"Prince of the sun lands, what brings you here?" Minho gave him a proper smile and the other kept a stern face.

"Oh please, as if I would miss your big day" he doesn't smile, but it feels like he his based on his voice. The little girl keeps taking the food, uncertain of what else to do. Jisung looks her way and then at Minho.

"Small steps..." the older one speaks and Jisung nods.

"Yes...maybe one day, we will live to see this city free of slavery" he looks at the girl and stops her as she tries to walk past him. He looks dead into her eyes, calmly. He looks at the mark on her arm and sighs, closing his eyes.

Jisung gives her a coin, it was shining and her eyes widen when she sees it.

"It's yours, now go"

She bows and heads out of the room.

"You're a big softy on the inside" Minho remarks and Jisung coldly looks at him.

"Call me softly again and I'm gouging your eyes out."

Minho smiles and nods.

"Softy" he whispered barely and looked at himself in the mirror.


"Nervous." Minho replied and sighed, turning to face the blond one.

"Don't be too nervous, it's just a contract" Jisung walked to him and went closer then he ever did before, fixing his suit up close to his neck and looking into his eyes. "You'll do great"

Minho didn't reply, instead he looked into his eyes deeply, almost fondly.

His hands reached for his small waist. But jisung moved away once he felt the tip of his fingers against him.

"I'm sure they are waiting for you..." he said, looking away.

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" Minho tried to approach him again but he backed away.

"It's not that" Jisung said. "It's just...not a good idea"

Nothing much had happened and yet he seemed quite out of it since he touched his waist.

The bells rang again and they looked at each other.

"You better hurry, the ceremony is about to begin"


Minho was placed in the very front of this heavy crowd, his suits being damp because of the exhausting heat his body wasn't used to. Their were flowers on the ile that lead up to the small stage in front of waterfalls.

It was beautiful, no denying it. But everything about this felt wrong. His dad was next to him, smiling and talking to everyone, but Minho was quiet and distant.

He spotted Jisung from a mile away, his fresh blond hair, long in the back, dripping on his neck and his pearled brown eyes. He had earrings on, golden and traditional in the south. Deep in the mountains, in the north, earrings were never a thing. Minho had to admit he looked quite beautiful.

The bells rang again and all eyes were on the woman now walking down the ile in a beautiful dress. Bow had a bright smile on her face and I couldn't help but smile back.

This was all going so fast.

She walked for a while before reaching the front, gold covering her and some particles making her eyes glow.

"You look beautiful" Minho whispered.

She smiles even more and looks him up and down.

"You do as well"

"We are gathered here today, to-" the priest rambled off and Minho didn't hear a word. His eyes travelled to her, to the crowd...to him.

As Minho looked at Jisung, he noticed something wrong.

Following that, a pair of footsteps were running towards him and he didn't have a moment to think before he saw someone with a sword running straight at him.

Minho closed his eyes and admitted defeat that same moment.

But faith is more stubborn then that.

Clenching of mental was heard and it only took him a second to realize what happened. He shot opened his eyes and saw Bow pulling him away. Jisung was there, a sword in one hand, stoping the blow completely.

Screams started to echo from all of the crowd and chaos erupted.

"We are in danger here." Minho says and takes her hand, going to give her to some guards to escort her out. He came back to Jisung and saw that the man was on the ground, but there were others popping up from random places.

"We need to go."

"We cannot hide in that castle forever. We are not safe anywhere" Jisung affirmed but Minho didn't budge.

"Not here...but nobody will harm us in the north. We are to go there until this is resolved."

"We can't just-"

"We're leaving." Minho said and they both left while the crowd was distracted. Jisung was dragged by his wrist for a long time before they reached the stables.

He gave his bird a message and let it fly away to find his father.

He got on his horse and so did jisung.

"Minho, are you certain about this...?"

"Do you trust me?" He asked simply and Jisung nodded.


"Then we are going north..." Minho paused and looked at the horizon.

"I'm going home."

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